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Task 2. In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this the case? What can be done about this problem? (cam 13 test 4)

In the modern world nowadays, numerous agricultural advances have been made with the aim of helping people improve their quality of life. However, there are a number of people who still crave for food. Some probable explanations for this will be put forward before solutions are drawn to tackle the problem.

The problem of the maintaining hunger could be ascribed to a number of reasons. The primary cause of this is the fact that the machines using advances are usually expensive to operate as well as buying. It follows therefore that the undeveloped and poor countries, which often see a large number of starving citizens, could not be able to apply these machines in their agricultural system. This means the ravenous people would still continue to be of the same situation. The best course of action would be to reduce the price of these technological apparatuses so that the underdeveloped could access to them, hence use them to improve the agricultural industry.

Another factor that has intensified the problem is the low intellectual standard of people in some nations. In other words, although they have advanced machines, they would not know how to operate them. A case in point is due to the sophisticated instalment of the apparatus, people could not make them work. A clear solution to the problem is for the government to educate the citizens about the ways to use them correctly.

Although many advances have been made in the agricultural field, there are still numerous starving people, which derives from the high prices of these and the poor knowledge of people in some nations. Measures such as lowering the cost along with raising people’s awareness of the operation should be implemented to handle the situation.

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1 Answer

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1. You wrote: ...ped and poor countries, which often see a large number of starving citizens, could not be able to...

Feedback: Specify a number, remove phrase, or simply use "many" or "numerous"

Error type: Redundant Phrases

Suggestion: many, numerous


2. You wrote: ...se in point is due to the sophisticated instalment of the apparatus, people could not make...

Feedback: Possible spelling mistake found

Error type: Possible Typo

Suggestion: installment


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