Electricity generated in Germany and France from all sources and renewables in the year 2009
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The four pie chart depicted information on the proportion of different kinds of power generated between Germany and France during 2009. Overall, in Germany, the most percentage of electricity came from conventional thermal, whereas nuclear power is the main supply of electricity in France.

Nearly 60% of total electricity in Germany, whose whole output was 560 billion kWh, was accounted by conventional thermal. Whilst in France, the amount of power was lower at just 510 billion kWh, in contrast to Germany,10.3% energy was created by conventional thermal, over three-quarters energy came from nuclear power (76%). This figure of nuclear was just 23% in Germany.

A kind of energy noted was renewables, it accounted for 17,4% in Germany and 13.7% in the remaining country. In France, the most renewables energy generated by hydroelectric, while biomass and wind made up a small proportion of 8.5%, 10.5% respectively. Contrast to the left country, the total power provided by biomass and wind which accounted above three-quarters of the whole renewables energy, was far higher than hydroelectric (17.7%) and solar (6.1%)
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Hi Trinh Duc Trung, do không có hình nên mình củng không hiểu nội dung bài viết rõ lắm, bạn xem bài góp ý dưới nhé.

The four pie chart depicted information on ( từ này hình như hơi thừa) the proportion of different kinds of power generated between Germany and France during 2009 => by two nations, namely Germany and France in 2009.. Overall, in Germany, the most percentage of electricity came from conventional thermal, whereas nuclear power is ( 1 câu chung, bạn dùng đồng nhất loại từ và thì, ở đây là quá khứ) the main supply of electricity in France.

Nearly 60% of total electricity in Germany, whose (từ này dùng để chỉ người sở hữu nhé) whole output was 560 billion kWh, was accounted by conventional thermal. Whils the ( bạn search cách dùng the nhé)  energy  was created by conventional thermal, over three-quarters the energy came from nuclear power (76%). This figure for of nuclear was just 23% in Germany.

A kind of energy noted was ( 2 động từ không đứng liền nhau) từ này ko s nhé renewable renewables, it accounted for 17,4% in Germany and 13.7% in the remaining country. In France, the most renewable  renewables energy generated by hydroelectric, while biomass and wind made up a the small proportion of 8.5%, 10.5% respectively. Contrast to the (từ này sai ngữ nghĩa) left country, the total power provided by biomass and wind which accounted above three-quarters of the whole renewables energy, was far higher than hydroelectric (17.7%) and solar (6.1%)

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