As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction?
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It is a concerned that nowadays, a significant amount of adults have full-time job and the ratio of their lives spend doing such job is very high, so job satisfaction is a necessary factor of citizens wealth. Many people have questioned the motives behind this issue, which exerts an impact on the workers. These would be elaborated below.

There are several factors influence to job satisfaction. Firstly, it is believed that a healthy workplace would encourage employees to work more efficiency. For example, in Vietnam several big firms such as Techcombank or Vinamilk, which attract a significant amount of workers, are the best workplaces in the labor market recently. Secondly, given people are pursued a work that they are really enjoy, they would  be found happy and job satisfaction in their job. The sense of belonging to a team or a working comunity  also contribute to job satisfaction since they could be given advice and feedback by their supervisors. Thirdly, a high remuneration is one of the important elements contributes to job satisfaction of employees. It is true that, a high remuneration would promote them to work with more responsibility and productivity in their job.

Regardless, not everyone has job satisfaction in their job. The labor maket is difficult for people to choose a good job that they really prefer. Hard economic mean that people have little choice in the type of job they can get. It is true that, there are a lot of work that are bored and repetitive and the relationship to colleagues may be poor, leading to the lack of job satisfaction.

In conclusion, I am convinced with the aforementioned question the topic in question. Those who involved have been well-informed of the influences taking place.
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minhf sẽ nhận xét về bố cục nhé, bố cục nhìn chung như vậy là ổn, có phân đoạn dùng từ nối trong giữa các ý. bạn cố gắng sử dụng các từ ngư đa dạng và tránh lặp lại để tránh nhàm chán nhé :)
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