Today consumers are facing an increasing amount of advertising from competing companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements
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Today consumers are facing an increasing amount of advertising from competing companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?

Although over the past decade, the advertising service has boomed rapidly throughout the world, the issue as to whether that advertising from commercial services have effects on audiences or not remains controversial. In my opinion, public advertising not ony impact on commodity perception of consumer, but also change the consumer behaviour of them.


Firstly, many may argue that advertisings just give them options about commodities and can not influence on their decisions. This argument could be true in some extent. However, they are ignorant that facing a bombard regularly from various advertisements have hit strongly on consumer demands of most custommer. In the long term, these commercials, which is able to change the public attitude or even mould their thought by disseminate information purposely, can increasing profit for companies, which have favorite model advertisements of cosumers. A telling example is advertisings on social networks. Habits and the changable consumer behaviour of customer can decide  appearance of avertisements on their social networks page and orientate what they purchase in the future.


Secondly, some economists could argue that advertisements is a revolution of media industry, and they help other industry develop and approach to customers easily. The development of advertising service has great contributation to the wealthy of good-producing industry which bring potential profit to economy of each country. However, the accelerated attack of advertisements in the same type mechanise from distinguish companies will stand customers in the disadvantage stead or even consumerscan be trapped in untrue advertisements. For example, image editing technologies applied to comercial advertisements nowaday have intensive effect on selections of most customers because of comparison between the look of goods.


 In conclusion, advertisements can help consumers approach and understand to commodities easily and conveniently. However, raising awareness in purchase and checking product information accurately will prevent customers from increasing rapidly of comercials in currently life.

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