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Six given pie charts illustrate the proportion of water used for a range of purposes in six different areas.

Overall, water is used mainly for agriculture in South America, Africa, Central Asia and South East Asia while it is more common for Industrial use in North America and Europe.

In detail, whereas the majority of water is used for agriculture with 88% in Central Asia, 53% of water in Europe is the highest percentage for Industry among 6 areas. Furthermore, there is slight difference between Africa, Central Asia and South East Asia that nearly three quarters of water with 84%, 88% and 81% respectively served for Agriculture and only a small proportion for Industrial and Domestic use. In constrast, North America and Europe use less than half of their water for Agriculture with 39% and 32%.

On the other hand, Domestic use occupy the least percentage of all, with only 7% for Central Asia and South East Asia and the highest one of this aspect is 19% in South America.

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In detail, whereas the majority of water is used for agriculture with 88% in Central Asia, 53% of water in Europe is the highest percentage for Industry among=>> in 6 areas. Furthermore, there is slight =>> a slight difference between Africa, Central Asia and South East Asia that nearly three quarters of water with 84%, 88% and 81% respectively served for Agriculture and only a small proportion for Industrial and Domestic use. In constrast =>> contrast

On the other hand, Domestic use occupy the least percentage of all=>> occupies

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