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Tourism which is a developing industry nowadays has several negative effects on human life. Firstly, it costs people a great deal of money to afford a tour or a trip. Tourists have to pay for transport, food, accommodation, and so on. This increases the overall expenditure of a person. Secondly, natural environment is seriously affected. With a view to promoting the advancement of tourism, the governments and authorities will build more hotels, restaurants, resorts. As a result, forests and natural parks may be destroyed for land and resources. Tourists throwing rubbish away unawarely can be a cause of pollution. Finally, tourism can impinge on traditions and customs in several areas. Since local cultures alert to meet the demand of tourism, traditional practices may change. For these reasons, people should find way to control the advantages for more prosperous tourism.
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Bài  này có ý hay nhưng từ vựng và câu vẫn hơi lủng củng 

Tourism which is a developing industry nowadays has several negative effects on human life > Nowadays, tourism in developing countries exerts several detrimental impacts on our lives. 

Firstly, it costs people a great deal of money to afford a tour or a trip. >>>> Firstly, tourists have to spend a large amount of money in order to afford a tour or a trip. 

Secondly, natural environment is seriously affected. > Secondly, the natural habitat of animals is being seriously affected by governments' actions. 

With a view to promoting the advancement of tourism > In an attempt to enhance the facilities and equipment of many tourist destinations 

For these reasons, people should find way to control the advantages for more prosperous tourism. > Taking everything into consideration, it is necessary for people to strike a balance between developing prosperous tourism and having a sustainable life. 

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