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Today, it is not easy to choose a career.Hundreds of students are leaving schools and universities every year to seek employment in the various professions, though employment opportunities are not increasing proportionately. About me, no matter whether i want to get an interview or not, i have to do so. And if i can pass the interview, i will get my job. That why I am preparing the necessary skills for my  career. Thus,  strengths are important for me to show employers my ability. Firstly, I am a dynamic girl. That helps me to be willing to do everything and travel everywhere I like. Charity fund for elderly in my province-Binh Phuoc is one of my dreams. And I ask for help from enterprises because I can not do it by myself. If I am too shy, I can not persuade them to invest in my project. Moreover I would like to utilize my abilities for encouraging those ones who lack of confidence in opening up their minds and expressing their emotions. Secondly, my another strength is adaptability. I am a quick learner and love to learn new things. I have the ability to cope with failures and try to learn from my mistakes. Finally, one of my biggest strengths is self-confidence. I totally believe in myself. Making a speech of my points  before a lot of audiences is not a problem to me.  I always make purpose of my life and try my best to finish it. They are three biggest strengths of mine. Therefore, I would like to join SELF project to make use of these strengths, discover another strong points and improve my weaknesses for my career in the future.
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Today, it is not easy to choose a career.Hundreds of students are leaving schools and universities every year to seek employment in the various professions, though employment opportunities are not increasing proportionately. About For me, no matter whether Cấu trúc no matter whether này hình như ko có thì phải. chỉ dùng whether thôi là được i want to get an interview or not, i have to do so. giữa 2 câu này chưa có sự liên kết. có thể cho Because ở đầu câu này =>. And And ko dùng ở đầu câu trong văn viết c ạ if i can pass the interview, i will get my job. That is why I am preparing the necessary skills for my  career. Thus,  strengths are important for me to show employers my ability. Firstly, I am a dynamic girl. That helps me to be willing to do everything and travel everywhere I like. tự rưng cậu cho travel vào đây t thấy ko liên quan cho lắm.Charity fund for elderly in my province-Binh Phuoc is one of my dreams. đang nói năng động liên quan gì tới từ thiện nhỉ? And I ask for help from enterprises because I can not do it by myself. If I am too shy, I can not persuade them to invest in my project. Moreover I would like to utilize my abilities for encouraging those ones dùng those rồi thì ko có ones nữa who lack of confidence in opening up their minds and expressing their emotions. Secondly, my another strength is adaptability. I am a quick learner and love to learn new things. I have the ability to cope with failures and try to learn from my mistakes. Finally, one of my biggest strengths is self-confidence. I totally believe in myself. Making a speech of my points  before a lot of audiences is not a problem to me.  I always make purpose of my life and try my best to finish it. They are three biggest strengths of mine. Therefore, I would like to join SELF project to make use of these strengths, discover another strong points and improve my weaknesses for my career in the future.

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