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Kết quả hình ảnh cho the graphs show figures relating to hours worked and stress levels amongst professionals in groups

The graphs indicate data in terms of working hours and levels of pressure workers belonged to 9 distinct categories of occupation have to encounter. According to the graphs, the majority of the careers surveyed require at least 40 hours of labouring per week. Meanwhile, most jobs relate to low rates of strain.


From an overall perspective of the former graph, we can see that while business men bore the most striking characteristic with the office hours reaching up to 60 hours a week, lecturers appear to experience the least amount of bussiness hours with no more than 24 hours.


Moving to the other graph, it is noticeable that though lecturers perform less hours than any other workers, they receive by far the highest proportion of tension with a quarter of the overall figure. Looking at the information in more details, we are informed that writers and lawyers share the similarity as whose percentages are both 8 %. In addition, the lowest percentage belonged to programmers says that the big gap between the highest and the lowest is exactly 20 %.

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The graphs indicate data on the average working hours and the percentage of stressed related patients in 8 different occupations

Overall, the majority of the people surveyed worked at least 40 hours per week while the rate of stress related disease was under 11% in most jobs.

As for the bar chart, it can be seen that business men, movie producers and doctors had the strikingly high working hours of 70, 60 and 50 respectively. Next came the group of writers, programmers and lawyers who worked between 35 and 45 hours per weeks. Finally, the number was around 30 hours per week for chefs and lecturers.

Moving to the pie graph on the illness, it is noticeable that though lecturers performed less hours than any other workers, they received by far the highest rate of 25 per cent. Then not surprisingly, the long - hour workers such as movie producers, doctors and businessmen saw higher rates of 18, 15 and 11 per cent respectively. While all other jobs are affected by the medical condition in less than 11%, it was noteworthy that programmers, despite their weekly 40 hours of working, were impacted only in 5%.

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The graphs indicate the data in terms of working hours and levels of pressure each occupants of particular job workers belonged to 9 distinct categories of occupation have to encounter. According to the graphs, the majority of the careers surveyed require at least 40 hours of labouring per week. Meanwhile, most jobs relate to low rates of strain.


From an overall perspective of the former graph, we can see that while business men bore the most striking characteristic with the office hours reaching up to 60 hours a week, lecturers appear to experience the least amount of bussiness hours with no more than 24 hours.

(Nên thêm dữ liệu cho đoạn này)


Moving to the other graph, it is noticeable that though lecturers perform less hours than any other workers, they receive by far the highest proportion of tension with a quarter of the overall figure. Looking at the information in more details, we are informed that writers and lawyers share the similarity as whose percentages are both 8 %. In addition, the lowest percentage belonged to programmers says that the big gap between the highest and the lowest is exactly 20 %.

Bài của bạn tốt và khá đủ, chỉ cần sữa một vài lỗi và thêm thong tin cho đoạn 2 

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