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     The two pie charts depict changes in the proportions of primary energy sources in the USA between the 1980s and the 1990s. Overall, it can be seen that oil, natural gas and coal were the three most major sources of energy and it remained largely the same throughout the time frame given.

In particular, a staggering 42% of the United States’ energy supply in the 1980s was made up by oils , followed by natural gas and coal, both of which also accounted for just over half of oil’s percentage. However, although still managing to maintain its position as the main power supply for Americans by 1990, the usage of oil dropped by nearly 10%; and consequently, the decade saw a 5% increase in the production of 2 other sources – coal and nuclear power.

It is also interesting to note that only 1/20 of the energy in the US was provided in the form of hydroelectric power and no apparent changes could be seen within the given period.

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