Living in big cities can cause some problems. Address them and suggest solutions to tackle.
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There is no doubt that living in major municipalities has several benefits for denizens. However, this could feasibly provoke serious problems and that have to be faced. This essay will address these pressing issues and suggest solutions with the purpose of dealing with them.

Taking into consideration,communter living in vast cities usually have to handle many difficulties, such as a colossal quantity of vehicles aggressively moving around which resulted from traffic congestion. For instance, in HCM city, on a daily basis, there are over 5 million people into traffic and that have provoked gridlocks. Another factor contributes to this is the cost of living. Individuals generally have to pay more for housing, transportation and healthcare services. As a result, citizens are not only given stress but aslo fatigue due to expenses and this could implausibly incapacitate their ability at work.
However, to tackle these pressing issues, some measures could be taken into reflection. The very first of them is the governments to invest money into expanding mainstreamed roads to provide drivers with have larger roadways. Additionally, encouraging commuters to use overt vehicles such buses or subways. Then, such level of traffic density would possibly be mitigated and the quality of air might be better. Furthermore, in terms of contending with the high living expenses, decision-makers could implement regulations to support communal services to help all habitants. Take "Binh on thi truong" programme in Vietnam as an example, it helps people by supply information about all tips to reduce the living costs in many fields such as transportation or goods. Conspicuously, products that are manufactured by local companies which affordable or shortcut going to expected destination.

In conclusion, i believe living in such large cities brings about problematic issues which hard to be handled. From my perspective, the authorities must open cities to be bigger and erect more departments to support citizens financially and efficiently.

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The following is my essay, just the same as your topic, can you take a look a bit and tomorrow I will check you essay, I promise. Ok

Topic: Living in big cities cause many problems. Address them and suggest solutions to tackle.


There is no doubt the fact that serious issues which are paid attention by public, stem from major metropolises. City residents have to encounter daily and require precious measurements to mitigate those matters.

Firstly, one of the main problems is generating headache waves is traffic jam. That creates inconvenient status for commuters who always face traffic congestion in rush hours, since they may be late for school or work and accidents in relation to this problem become dilemma matter. In addition, criminal rates in prominent cities are risking the peace living of people who could change into victims of wrongdoers. Furthermore, if food sanitary issue might not be concerned too much by consumers in western world, that problem often produce nightmare for clients in my country where merchandise hygiene is very ambiguous and in free-controlled circumstance.

Secondly, in order to address those abovementioned problems need the multilateral cooperation of related parties. Municipal authorities should get advice from experts to re-organize and reform infrastructure system to decrease vehicle flows in rush hours as well as design a variety of public transportation to meet commuters’ demand. In terms of increasing convicted figure, police agencies need to strengthen the fighting ability and observe subjects in black list to prevent massive tragedy. The state also provides crucial conditions to support offenders to reintegrate into civil society after experiencing the living in rehabilitation centers. Regarding to food safety, there are some measures need to be applied to crack down hazardous food as intensive observation imported raw materials into domestic market and seriously punishing violated cases. Additionally, consumers should be aware of the benefits of buying stuffs which contain clear origin and manufactured by trusted enterprises.

In summary, living in municipal regions is not easy when residents have to face directly dangerous resources surrounding them. However, if authorities accompany with people are consensus in handling with those important problems, there is believed that they will be eliminated soon and generate the ideal living pattern.

136 points


Thank you so much, Im really appreciated !

As promise, i will comment on your essay. By doing my best, I hope you can notice something can be useful. Ok

However, this could feasibly provoke serious problems and that have to be faced

I think "that have to be faced" is abundant and doesn't make sense in this sentence. YOu can use this "...serious problems which siege residents daily".

"it helps people by supply information", i think this should be like "by supplying infor.."

"products that are manufactured by local companies which affordable or shortcut going to expected destination", i think this sentence has problematic one but I can't handle this one, should consider it once again, ok

In conclusion, your essay is generally good at vocabulary and reflexibility, good structure. I just take a quick look and give some comments. maybe others can review your essay more details than me. Ok, see u next essay.

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