People are naturally resist making changes in their lives. What kinds of problems can this cause? What solutions can you suggest?
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Many people always keep themselves update with changes in this industrial life, whereas others merely refuse to make any changes in their life. This increasing tendency can lead to negative consequences, therefore some solutions have to put forward to solve this problem.

As people prevent themselves from making changes, they erect invisible barrier which bars them from assimilating to modern life. Nowadays, the development of  technology and access can maximize the efficiency at work providing that employees accept to adjust to continuous changes. For example, it's no need to use paper-based files and calendars to keep track of information and to-do list because of web-based project management. Unless employees accelerate to change, they are easily able to replace by anybody more ambitious and eager-to-learn. On the other hand, resistance to changes is one of the reasons causing conflict between people who want to do their jobs in old way and ones require more transformational. On condition that two groups of people work together on a team or in an organization, various tasks are hardly done.

There are several actions that everybody could take overcome resistance to change. Firstly, people need to have motivation and courage to jump out of their comfort zones. There is inherently the fear of unknown elements if somebody makes large-scale changes in their life. However, it had better to utilize this fear as force to compel us to action. Second solution is possibly comes from social factors. In some case, a genuine and passionate desire to contribute and make a difference in life can be another form of social motivation, especially when you are surrounding by innovative people inspiring you to make changes all the time.

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