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in my opinion the teenagers usually spend of their leisure time on watching television because it is good for their. Firstly, watching tv can help they relaxing after school. secondly, they can faster news updates. In addition, the teenagers learn a lot of things through the programs on tv. In short, teenagers should watch tivi. However, they must know how to control and seperate their time for other activites suitable.
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3 Answers

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0 votes
_teenagers không cần the.
_spend their leisure time.
_good for them.
_help them relax after school.
_ they can update news faster.
_other suitable activities.
=» they dùng làm chủ ngữ, their dùng làm sở hữu(vd: their time, their money.), trường hợp còn lại dùng them.
11 points
0 votes
0 votes
cậu ơi must hay những từ mang nghĩa chắc chắn 100% cần eschew trong task 2, vì đây là academic cậu ah

Cậu nên dùng passive nhiều hơn cậu ah, thay 1 số từ linking words đi thì bài viết mềm mại hơn đó

từ thì uyển chuyển hơn 1 chút nữa đi: vd nè, TV could offer a therappy for school students after being under pressure time in the classroom.
24 points
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0 votes

the teenagers

 spend of their leisure time

 good for their.=> them

 watching tv can help they relaxing after school => them relax

they can faster news updates => they can update news faster

tivi  => TV/ television

must => had better/ should/ ought to 

their time for other activites suitable => suitably

31 points

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