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Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of the society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Some people concur that educating children to become good people is the responsibility of parents. Others, however, assume that schools are subjected to that obligation. From my perspective, a combination of both sources of education would yield better results.


On the one hand, parents have tremendous impacts on their children. Living under the same roof offers children lots of opportunities to observe and imitate any behaviours of their parents. An obvious example for this might be a messy father could not expect his son to be well-organized. Likewise, a child is likely to grow up aggressively if he witnesses his father physically assaulting his mother everyday. Parenting roles, hence, are like mentors and instructors who lead children on the right track.


On the other hand, schools widen the doors of knowledge and help children approach the world. In terms of this, young generations will be fully equipped with sets of skills, systems of rules and regulations, matters of etiquettes, among other areas of knowledge. Correspondingly, children can form a solid foundation of awareness and evaluation to immune themselves to social evils.


However, greater positive outcomes of education come from bilateral efforts. It would be counterproductive to popularize the adversary effects of smoking should parents puff cigarettes endlessly. Once again, parents had better be role models to exemplify the goodness their children learn at schools. The bonding between schools and families, consequently, persists and strengthens children’s belief in righteous values.


In conclusion, both families and schools play major roles in educating children to become good citizens. With the cooperation from both sides, I believe that more and more well-bred people can make invaluable contributions to their society.       


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