Unemployment rates in the US and Japan between March 1993 and March 1999
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The line graph illustrates the percentage of the work force that is unemployed in the US and Japan during 7 years from March 93.It is obvious that the highest unemployment rate was in the US , at the same time the lowest one was in the Japan.

First and foremost, there was a gradual decrease in unemployment rate in the US of 2% at the begining of the survey  period to March 98. After that, this figure fluctuated trivially around 5% until March 99.

Moving on to Japan, starting increase gradually from 2.5% to 4% till the end of 95.Then it varied insignificantly between 4% to 4.5% throughout more than 2 years later. The percentage which was unemployed rose a little by 0.5% in one year from March 98.

In conclusion, there were clear trends and continuosly vast changes in unemployment rate in 2 countries that were researched in the survey for over a half decade : a rise trend in the US and a drop trend in Japan.

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