IELTS Task2 - 07/05/2016 - Having children later - Mong mn góp ý cho mình với nhé ! Mình cảm ơn mn nhiều
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Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. What are the reasons? Do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?

In the modern society, the number of people, who want to have their offspring lately, is increasing. There are some reasons for this recent phenomenon, which definitely impacts on society and family life. In this essay, two main causes for this social trend will be identified before its pros and cons will be reviewed.

Two principal reasons could be given to justify the trend of giving birth at the later stage of life. First, many young couples, today, want to provide their children with a good foundation so they devote almost their time to work and seek the promotion in their career, which can help them to earn more money. As a result, they decide to delay parenthood until they achieve their target in their work. Secondly, young parents prefer to spend their initial stage of the marriage on travelling, hanging out with friends rather than engage in bringing up babies.

In my opinion, I believe that this phenomenon could do more harm than good to the society as well as personal life. It is no shadow of doubt that this trend offers a few benefits for young couples. They have more time to cultivate themselves to work and do some their hobbies. On the other hand, the tendency to have children at later ages might exert a detrimental influence on society also family life. As individuals are giving birth to babies later, there have been a lot of diseases resulting from their poor physical health, for instance, Down, heart disease and many other dangerous affections. Furthermore, when the children grow up, there will be a generation gap between them and their parent. Consequently, the children could have a hard time adapting themselves to parents, which leads to intense debates among them.

In conclusion, there are two major reasons why people, nowadays, prefer to delay their parenthood, which are related to the hope to provide a good foundation for their children and have more time for their hobbies. Moreover, I strongly claim that the disadvantages of this trend outweigh its advantages.

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In the modern society, the number of people, who want to have their offspring lately, is increasing.

Ở đây sử dụng restrictive relative clause - cung cấp thông tin quan trọng về phần đứng trước nó - nên không thể sử dụng dấu phẩy; đặt mệnh đề giữa hai giấu phẩy là trường hợp non-restrictive relative clause, tức là thông tin cung cấp bởi mệnh đề không hề quan trọng và có thể bỏ đi mà vẫn giữ được ý nghĩa của câu, trong khi đối tượng được đề cập là [people who want to have their offspring lately] chứ không hẳn chỉ là [people].

Ngoài ra, [lately] chỉ có một nghĩa là [gần đây]; ta không sử dụng [lately] như dạng [late]+[-ly] ý chỉ [trễ] được. Bạn chỉ cần dùng từ [late] vì đây vừa là tính từ vừa là trạng từ, vẫn giữ nguyên nghĩa [trễ[.

In this essay, two main causes for this social trend will be identified before its pros and cons will be reviewed.

Câu sử dụng [before] dùng thì hiện tại đơn dù vẫn có ý chỉ tương lai, nên câu này phải là [(...) before its pros and cons are reviewed].

Two principal reasons could be given to justify the trend of giving birth at the later stage of life.

[Could] có thể được sử dụng khi đề cập một điều gì đó có thể xảy ra nhưng không chắc chắn hoặc có khả năng rất ít, không thích hợp để dùng khi bạn đang khẳng định bằng cụm [principal reasons]. Nên thay bằng [can be given], vì [can] diễn đạt sự thật ai cũng biết hoặc sự việc có khả năng cao.

Thường là [a later stage of life] khi không chỉ rõ ra giai đoạn nào (thành niên, trung niên, cao niên) hoặc [later stages of life] khi nói gộp chung các giai đoạn.

First, many young couples, today, want to provide their children with a good foundation so they devote almost their time to work (...)

Nên sửa thành [most of their time]; [almost] là trạng từ nên nó sẽ bổ nghĩa cho động từ [devote] chứ không phải cụm danh từ [their time] như ý bạn muốn nói.

It is no shadow of doubt that this trend offers a few benefits for young couples.

Cụm này luôn là [without a shadow of a doubt].

They have more time to cultivate themselves to work and do some their hobbies.

Thường [cultivate] chỉ dừng lại ở [cultivate (something)] hoặc [cultivate (something) in (something)]; [cultivate] có nghĩa [establish+develop] nên sử dụng cùng [work] có phần không thích hợp. Có thể sửa lại thành [improve their work performance and cultivate hobbies].

for instance, Down, heart disease and many other dangerous affections.

[such as Down syndrome, heart diseases and many other dangerous infections]

[For instance] thường sử dụng để nêu một trường hợp cụ thể làm ví dụ; nếu liệt kê nhiều thì [such as] thích hợp hơn.

(...) there will be a generation gap between them and their parent. Consequently, the children could have a hard time adapting themselves to parents (...)


Như đã nhắc ở trên, [could] không thích hợp cũng như không cần thiết trong trường hợp này, nhất là khi [consequently] ở câu sau liên kết với ý khẳng định [will] ở câu trước. Nên dùng [may] hoặc [can].

16 points

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Cảm ơn bạn vì đã góp ý :)
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In the modern society, the number of people, who want to have their offspring lately, is increasing. There are some reasons for this recent phenomenon, which definitely impacts on society and family life. In this essay, two main causes for this social trend will be identified before its pros and cons will be reviewed.

Two principal reasons could be given to justify the trend of giving birth at the later stage of life. First, many young couples, today, want to provide their children with a good foundation so they devote almost their time to work and seek the promotion in their career, which can help them to earn more money. As a result, they decide to delay parenthood until they achieve their target in their work. Secondly, young parents prefer to spend their initial stage of the marriage on travelling, hanging out with friends rather than engage in bringing up babies.

In my opinion, I believe that this phenomenon could do more harm than good to the society as well as personal life. It is no shadow of doubt that this trend offers a few benefits for young couples. They have more time to cultivate themselves to work and do some their hobbies. On the other hand, the tendency to have children at later ages might exert a detrimental influence on society also family life. As individuals are giving birth to babies later, there have been a lot of diseases resulting from their poor physical health, for instance, Down, heart disease and many other dangerous affections. Furthermore, when the children grow up, there will be a generation gap between them and their parent. Consequently, the children could have a hard time adapting themselves to parents, which leads to intense debates among them.

In conclusion, there are two major reasons why people, nowadays, prefer to delay their parenthood, which are related to the hope to provide a good foundation for their children and have more time for their hobbies. Moreover, I strongly claim that the disadvantages of this trend outweigh its advantages.


Good vocab and clear ideas

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In the modern society, more people prefer to have children late because career pursuit, economic circumstance and the heaviness of parenthood responsibility. Some people state that this situation brings women more time to build up their career; the children could receive better care from parents with good economic condition and the developing countries could release the burden from overpopulation. However, other people argue that having late children could catalyse a plenty of diseases for children and mother as well as the pressure for social welfare. I believe that the disadvantages of this surpass the disadvantages.

Recently, more educated women tend to have children late which brings them the chance to purse their career. For example, in Asian countries, because of the man preference stigma women could not go to school, so they have babies since they are quite young.  However, women have equal chance to be educated and many of them decide to focus on their work rather than only getting married. Furthermore, the difficulty from high requirement for raising a child causes hesitation of a lot couples when they desire to have children. For instance, in order to bring up a child, it is necessary to buy milk powder, clothes, injection and etc which was not available in the past. Because of this of tight budget, a number of parents have to delay their time of having babies.  Moreover, enjoying being free is a common trend for a majority of young people. There are too many responsibilities of being parents, so people are afraid of having children early.

It can be seen that from above concerns, having children late brings some advantages; however, it also causes a variety of drawbacks. On the one hand, women have time to develop their own career. There are a number of successful women in their work by devoting their entirely life time. Besides, when parents are economically ready for having children, they could ensure their children to be cared well. Broadly, since developing countries have to experience population pressure circumstance such as China and India, having children late is a good solution phenomenon.

On the other hand, the facts have shown that women having children late could lead to dangerous situation for both children and mother. For instance, children have high possibility to have Down, autism and the mother’s health will be influenced badly. Besides, the economy will be lack of labour force.  For instance, in Japan, there are more old people than young people. As a result, the government has to spend much money for social welfare while the production reduces because of labour force decline.

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