In many countries the level of crime is increasing and crimes are becoming more violent. Why do you think this is and what can be done about it?
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It is undeniable that crime situations in many countries are becoming more dangerous and complicated. There are several causes of this alarming trend. However, measures can certainly be taken to tackle the problem. My essay will elaborate on causes and solutions to this trend.

One of the most obvious problems is the increasing of violent matter in entertainment industry. In order to gain profits, almost producers are overusing the violent and sexual aspects in games, movies, TV series and novels. More than ever, crime scenes with severe gore levels like decapitation, rape and massive killing can be found readily in daily TV shows like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead. Another worrying trend is the large gap between social classes and materialism that can motivate the poor to commit crime to be equal to the rich. In America, poor color people who live in slums always face with discrimination and low quality public services so according to a social report, the juvenile delinquency rate is 30% higher than in other areas. The third detrimental effect is the overload of the legal system. Nowadays, a massive amount of people flock to big cities causes heavy pressure for the police to maintain order. For instance, the crime rate in Ho Chi Minh City is increasing sharply recent years and also including international criminal behaviors like money washing or counterfeiting.

To tackle these problems, I think the most obvious solution is for the government to issue legal acts to control the content of entertainment programs. Sexual and violent scenes should be removed from TV show to reduce the impact on children. Another solution can be investing in metropolitan police, giving them more equipment to deal with criminals. It is highly recommended that urban policemen should be armed with rifle, body armor and first person camera. Also, governments can subsidiary unemployed people to prevent them from committing crime.

In conclusion, it has been shown that the increased numbers of violent in TV shows, the big gap between rich and poor and the overload of legal system are causing the crime rate issues at a greater extent. Although there are some measures that can be implemented by the government in an attempt to reduce this issue universally.

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