topic: university should accept equal number of male and female students in every subject. (em mới tập viết mong các anh chị giúp đỡ)
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There is an old Vietnamese idiom “Mother's darlings are but milksop heroes”, that is to say, mother’s education is one of the most important benefit in teaching . An educated mother will give an educated child. Therefore, I strongly support of  taking an equal number of famale and male students in university.

First and foremost, according to human right, both boys and girls can go to school and learn whatever they one,such as, history,science, art...They have the same potential to develop their own specific ability,it is not based on their gender. In the world’s history, there are numerous of male scientist, artist of  musician, but we cannot deny the contribution of  women, namely, Marie Currie, Mother Teresa and Irene Joliot Currie – Marie Currie’s daughter. Marie Currie – the female I admired most- is an excellent student in university and  the first woman to won two Nobel prizes in two diffent area, that is, Physic and Chemistry. She is well-known for finding the 96th element, helps people to treat cancer by using radioactive.

Beside, it will help female student to have more opportunity to research in many fields. As the result, they will help their country in economy, industry, social. Not only man go to work and build a wonderful world but also women, they have the same ability and chance to help their country develop.

More importantly, it makes gender discrimination reduce. In some developing country, there are still have some place where girls must not go to school. For example, in feudal, China is one of the most country well-known for gender discrimination. In China, only men go to school, go to work, and keep important places, women only do the housework. That makes women weaker than men. I believed that we should have a brand new mind that men and women are equal.

To sum up, I would contend that university should welcome the same number of male and female students due to the fact that they both have the same capacity and also support gender equality.
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There is an old Vietnamese idiom sayings “Mother's darlings are but milksop heroes”, that is to say, mother’s education is one of the most important benefit in teaching . An educated mother will give an educated child (it doesn't make any sense) . Therefore, I strongly support of in  taking an equal number of famale and male students in universitiesy.

First and foremost, according to In accordance with human rights, both boys and girls can go to school and learn whatever they wantone,such as, history,science, art...They have the same potentials to develop their own specific abilitiesy,it is which are not based on their gender. In the world’s history, there are numerous of male scientists, artists of  musicians  but we cannot deny the contribution of  women , namely, Marie Currie, Mother Teresa and Irene Joliot Currie – Marie Currie’s daughter. Marie Currie – the female I admired the most- is was an excellent student in university and was  the first woman to who  won two Nobel prizes in two diffent areas, that iswas, Physic and Chemistry. She is well-known for finding the 96th element,  which has helpeds people to treat cancer by using radioactive. ( Ví dụ nhiều hơn lập luận là sao ? )

Beside, it will help female students to have more opportunitiesy to research in many fields. As the result, they will help their country in terms of economic and social contributioneconomy, industry, social. Not only mean go to work and build a wonderful world but also women, they have the same ability and chance to help their country develop.

More importantly, it makes gender discrimination reduced. In some developing countriesy, there are still have some places where girls are not allowed to must not go to school. For example, in feudal, China is one of the most a few  countriesy which is well-known for gender discrimination. In China, only men could go to school, go to work, and keep hold important positionplaces,  while women only do the housework. ( câu này quá lủng cung )That makes women weaker than men. I believed that we should have a brand new mind  that men and women are equal.

To sum up, I would argue contend that universitiesy should welcome the same number of male and female students due to the fact that they both have the same capacity and also support gender equality.

Basically bai của bạn lỗi về ngữ pháp quá nhiều, lập luận lủng củng, sai rất nhiều chỗ. Nếu sửa chắc sửa hết cả bài. Bạn cũng dùng dấu phẩy không theo quy tắc, không biết dùng N số nhiều trong trường hợp nào. Cấu trúc câu còn đơn giản. Đề này cũng đã có bạn làm rùi và bạn ý viết khá ok. Bạn nên đọc để tham khảo

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