Đề thi IELTS Writing task 2 - 05/03/2016 - In recent years, the structure of a family and the role of its members are gradually changing...
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TOPIC task 2 ngày 05/03/2016 :

Đề IELTS Writing task 2 chính thức của ngày 05/03

In recent years, the structure of a family and the role of its members are gradually changing. What kinds of changes can occur? Do you think these changes are positive and negative?

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In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. Why are these changes happening? Do you think these changes are positive and negative?



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Topic: In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. Why are these changes happening? Do you think these changes are positive and negative?People have realized that the family organization has altered and family positions too

People have realized that the family organization has altered and family positions too in nearly years. There are some reasons for this tendency, and it could have some impacts on family life as well as whole society.

To begin with, there are several reasons why the family position has changed in modern life. In fact, young people usually desire to do everything that they can even live other countries stay away their family a long time. Furthermore, is history, male people is often bread winner in their family because female people could be commonly looked down on by men. Nonetheless, much more women go out and earn money especially some individuals might maintain crucial positions more than men in corporations in the modern world.

Nevertheless, this tendency might bring about some positive effects on both family life and society. The first impact is that thanks to living shun away family, freshman ought to enhance their independence, discipline and especially responsibility to their future. A telling example is that in order to personal development, more young people in development countries like America, Germany decide to live in developing countries such as Viet Nam, Laos where provide them opportunity to discover their capability such as adaptability. Additionally, no sooner do female people make more money than they might contribute to building their nest. Perhaps as a consequence, men have to forget backward ideas on women and shoulder family responsibilities. Nonetheless, unless parents and children frequently share up and down emotions, it may lead to weak association between them.

In conclusion, there are some reasons why family position has changed and this tendency can result in some positive influences on both family life and social advance.
7 points

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People have realized that the family organization has altered and family positions too (mình thấy family position ko gần nghĩa lắm với family structure, bạn có thể viết là the roles/position between husbands and wives or their spouse in their families cho rõ nghĩa hơn )in nearly recent years. There are some reasonable reasons for this tendency, and it could have some (or several nếu bạn không muốn lặp lại từ some) impacts on family life as well as the whole society.

To begin with, there are several reasons why the family position ( mình vẫn không thâys family position gần nghĩa với family structure )has changed in modern life. In fact, young people usually desire to do everything (that) they can even liveing in other countries to or in order to stay away from their family for a long time. Furthermore, is in history ( mình nghĩ nên dùng in the past), male people ( mình không sure lắm nhưng mình chưa thấy male people bao giờ)is used to be often bread winner in their familyiesbecause. thus female people their wives ( or spouses or female counterpart ) could be commonly looked down on by men. Nonetheless, there are much more women go out and  to earn money , especially some individuals might maintain hold crucial positions more than men in corporations and politics more than men  in the modern world (có thể cho thêm ví dụ như như female politicans, women who are CEO of big companies )

Nevertheless, this tendency might bring about some positive effects on both family life lives and society. The first impact is that thanks to living shun ( mình thấy shun ở đây có nghĩa hơi tiêu cực ) away from family home, freshman (freshmen, và freshmen để chỉ học sinh năm đầu, mình nghĩ nên dùng young generation mang nghĩa chung hon ) ought to enhance their independence, discipline and especially responsibility to for their future. A telling example is that in order to (in order chỉ đi với to do, ko đi với noun) personal development, more young people in development developed countries like America, Germany, etc. decide to live in developing countries such as Viet Nam, Laos, etc. where provide them opportunity opportunities to discover their capability capabilities such as adaptability, self-determinanation. Additionally, no sooner do female people make more money than they might contribute to building build their nest (bạn nên xem lại cách dùng của no sooner...than, mình thấy không thích hợp trong câu này, thay vào đó bạn chỉ cần viết là: female /women/ wives are more likely to... ). Perhaps as a consequence, men have to forget backward(biased) ideas opinion/view on women and to shoulder family responsibilities. Nonetheless, unless parents and children frequently share up and down emotions, it may lead to weak association between them (family members).

In conclusion, there are some reasons why family position has changed and this tendency ( bạn lặp lại từ tendency hơi nhiều, có thể thay bằng trend )can result in some positive influences on both family life and social advance.

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It is true that the there is a significant change in terms of family structure. Recently, the man could do the housework such as cleaning or cooking, while more and more women go out to earn money for their family. Personally, having a number of factors led to this situation, and I consider it to be a positive trend.

The major reason of this case is a developing of the gender equality around the world. Nowadays, because women have higher position and education than the past, they able to do most anything as men do. Therefore, instead of cooking or looking for children, they could go out to work and earn money for their family, and it is an equally if the men have to do their housework and help their wife. Moreover, parents must change to adapt in our society. It is agreed that many families will have financial problems, if there are merely men working to pay living expenses. Consequently, parents need to share responsibilities in their family.

In my point, this trend is actually creating a profound positive influence not only in the society but also among the family as well. In fact, in some case female display a better perform in their work than male such as nurse or tailor, so this will bring many benefits for society. Furthermore, by doing housework, the husbands could understand how rough of their wife job. This leads a tied relationship among them which absolutely have positive impact on their child as well.

 In conclusion, although the changing in role of husband and wife in family is the result of many reasons, I think that it should be seen as progress in society.

hi vọng mọi người góp ý cho mình^^
7 points

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It is true that the there is a significant change in terms of family structure. Recently, the a man (or men) could do the housework such as cleaning or cooking, while more and more women go out to earn money for their family (bạn có thể thay bằng Recently, there has been an increasing trend in the number of stay-at-home dads, while more and more women are becoming financial provider in the family). Personally, having a number of factors led to this situation, and I consider it (to be) a positive trend ( mình thấy hơi lủng củng phần đâu, bạn có thể viết là There could be several reasons for this and I personally consider it (to be )a  positive trend in society )


The major reason ( bạn có thể dùng root cause cho hay hơn) of this case is a developing the development of the gender equality around the world. Nowadays, because women have higher ( you can add social) position and education than the past, they are able to do most anything as many things as men do. Therefore, instead of cooking or looking for taking care of children, they could go out to work and earn money for their family, and it is an equally (equally là adverb-> bạn có thể dùng equality /equal rights) if the men have to do their housework and help their wife. Moreover, parents must change to adapt in to our society. It is agreed that many families will ( mình nghĩ ở đây bạn không nên dung will, thay vào đó bạn có thể dung be likely to, may) haveface many financial problems, if there are merely men working to pay living expenses. Consequently, parents need to share responsibilities in their family ( Bạn nên add thêm ý gì đó vào câu cuối vì mình cảm thấy hơi lủng củng. Chưa rõ ý lắm )


In my point ( mình ko sure lắm nhưng mình thường thấy from my point of view hay in my view hơn), this trend is actually creating a profound positive influence not only in on the society but also among the family families  as well. In fact, in some cases females display a better performment in their work some particular jobs than males such as nurses or tailors, so this will bring many benefits for society (mình nghĩ bạn nên expand thêm ý này) Furthermore, by doing housework, the husbands could understand how rough of their wife job their wives’ jobs are. This leads a tied close-knit or closer  relationship among them, which absolutely would have positive impactson their children as well. ( Mình nghĩ bạn nên có thể một ý nữa để củng cố lập luận của bạn và them ví dụ nếu có thể )


 In conclusion, although the changing change in the role of husband and wife in family is the result of many reasons, I think (that) it should be seen as a positive progress in society.

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Mong anh chị cho em nhiều ý kiến để giúp em tiến bộ ạ

The topics regarding to family have constantly evolved as major debates among sociologist in recent years. A number of people shares to the viewpoint that the family instruction and its functions have highly changed nowadays. I am supposed that there are some dominant explanations for this issue and contains both positive and negative impacts.

To begin with, having several causes leads to the discussed matter. Together with economic development, relationship between members in families is powerfully affected by economic factor. For instance, if a husband works outside to earn money for feeding his family, his role in the family will be greater than his wife who only stays at home to look after their babies. In some situations like that, the husband often looks down on the wife. Besides, people in modern world are busier and busier than before, so they spend less time for their families. That circumstance might easily cause the seperation in family living.

Nevertheless, this tendency can create some positive aspects on citizens' lives. Young residents are very active in study and social activities. For example, a large amount of students who left their families to emigrate to big cities for studying ought to enhance their independence and look after themselves. In addition, such young people are also responsible members of community when they engage in many social programmes to assist poor families in remote areas. However, there is just the tip of the iceberg.

Continously, the problem can result in many detrimental influences. Because the family organization has altered, disputes among members may simply take place as usual. Thereby, divorce rate is dramatically increasing now. Besides, children in such families can easily change into disordered individuals when lacking of accurate education from their parents.

To conclude, the issue's root originates from many prominent reasons comprising of economic segment as well as social factor. The change in family structure and its position brings about not only good influences but also drawbacks.

136 points

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The topics regarding to family have constantly evolved as major debates among sociologist in recent years. A number of people shares to the viewpoint that the family instruction and its functions have highly changed nowadays. I am supposed that there are some dominant explanations for this issue and contains both positive and negative impacts.

To begin with, having several causes leads to the discussed matter. Together with economic development, relationship between members in families is powerfully affected by economic factor. For instance, if a husband works outside to earn money for feeding his family, his role in the family will be greater than his wife who only stays at home to look after their babies. In some situations like that, the husband often looks down on the wife. Besides, people in modern world are busier and busier than before, so they spend less time for their families. That circumstance might easily cause the seperation separation in family living.

Nevertheless, this tendency can create some positive aspects on citizens' lives. Young residents are very active in study and social activities. For example, a large amount of students who left their families to emigrate to big cities for studying ought to enhance their independence and look after themselves. In addition, such young people are also responsible members of community when they engage in many social programmes to assist poor families in remote areas. However, there is just the tip of the iceberg.

Continously Continuously, the problem can result in many detrimental influences. Because the family organization has altered, disputes among members may simply take place as usual. Thereby, divorce rate is dramatically increasing now. Besides, children in such families can easily change into disordered individuals when lacking of accurate education from their parents.

To conclude, the issue's root originates from many prominent reasons comprising of economic segment as well as social factor. The change in family structure and its position brings about not only good influences but also drawbacks.

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 Changing in family structure become more common nowaday.This essay discusses some main reasons which explain why this phenomenon occur. Personally, I believe that this trend contains more negative impacts than positive effects.

First of all, stressful life is major causes in changing of family pattern. In modern society, people spent most of their time in workplaces, and they often face numerous struggles, which make them depressed inevitably. As a result, they not only have lack of time to take care of their family members but also are angry at their wife or husband easily. Consequently, their relationship becomes weaker by the time, even leading breaking up. For example, many social scientists revealed that many marriages end by divorces because of bad emotions at work in long term.Hence traditional nuclear families become single families or stepfamilies.

This tendency has many negative impacts on the society, especially with children, because they not only have a lack of care from their parent but also they are raised without parental fond fully. Therefore, their characteristic as well as education knowledge would not develop properly as the on in happy nuclear families. For example, children in single families tend to be introvert, in other words, they rarely interact with other peers confidently.

In conclusion, intense living lifestyle is major cause which makes family system change in negative ways, especially children would suffer many disadvantages in their process of development. 

7 points

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Today, changing the changes in family structure and responsibilities become more common nowadays (nowadays luôn có s bạn nhé) have become a controversial issue. This essay discusses There could be some main reasons which explain why this phenomenon occurs for this, and Personally, I believe that this trend contains more negative impacts than positive effects the negative effects outweigh its negative effects.

First of all, (bạn chỉ đưa ra một lý do stressful life nên mình nghĩ không dùng first of all nhé) Stressful life is the most major causes of in changing of family pattern changes. In modern society, people spent most spend a lot of their time in workplaces at work, and they often face numerous struggles, which make them depressed inevitably. As a result, they are not only have lack of time to take care of their family members but also are easily get angry at their wife wives or husbands easily. Consequently, their relationship becomes weaker by the time, even leading to the breaking-up. For example, According to many social scientists revealed that many marriages end by in divorces because of bad negative emotions at work in long term for a long time. Hence traditional nuclear families become change into single families or stepfamilies.

This tendency has many negative impacts on the society, especially with children, because they not only have a lack of care from their parent but also they are raised without parental fond fully may be grow with lack of adequate parental care and fondness. Therefore, their characteristics as well as education knowledge would not develop properly as the ones in happy nuclear families. For example, children in single families tend to be introvert, in other words, they rarely interact with other peers confidently.

In conclusion, intense living lifestyle is major cause which makes the challenges and pressure of modern life results in family system changes in negative ways, especially children would suffer from many disadvantages in their process of development. 

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TOPIC task 2 ngày 05/03/2016 :

In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. Why are these changes happening? Do you think these changes are positive and negative?


it is clear that our society has experienced some remarkable variations especially in terms of family system and function. The question why these new trends are happening and whether they bring advantages or disadvantages is very highly-controversial. To be specific, this essay will indicate the reasons and suggest some specific viewpoints about this topic.

To begin with, there are many ways to explain why family are so different compared to that in the past. Firstly, our social system has improved significantly for many years in terms of ideology and outlook. For instance, in the past, a man could have more than two wifes with no criticism from the socialist or the government but now due to some particular law, this situation might never happen again. This lead to a new kind of family: nuclear family which is more suitable for development of our society. Secondly, due to a fact that women have the same rights and benefits as men,there are no more breadwinners or housewives in both nuclear and extended family. As a result, this can unintentionally change our family structure while both parents go to their offices.

Personally, i think most of this changes are quite beneficial for many different targets. Since our society made a huge shift in the post-industrial time, there are no longer many circumstances that a couple had six or seven kids in their house which is a real disaster with poor people. Now, people become more educated and informed about this issues.With the government,this variations have helped it control our society better and conciously.In many peripheral aspects,even citizens can received many advantages now or in the future.

In conclusion, i firmly believe that this changes are necessary for the social improvement and this variations are positive.

56 points


It is clear that our society has experienced some remarkable variations especially in terms of family system and function. The question why these new trends are happening and whether they bring advantages or disadvantages is very highly-controversial. To be specific, this essay will indicate the reasons and suggest some specific viewpoints about this topic.

To begin with, there are many ways to explain why family families are so different compared to that in the past. Firstly, our social system has improved significantly for many years in terms of ideology and outlook. For instance, in the past, a man could have more than two wifes wives with no criticism from the socialist or the government but now due to some particular laws, this situation might never happen again. This leads to a new kind of family: nuclear family which is more suitable for development of our society. Secondly, due to a fact that women have the same rights and benefits as men, there are no more breadwinners or housewives in both nuclear and extended family. As a result, this can unintentionally change our family structure while both parents go to their offices.

Personally, I think most of this these changes are quite beneficial for many different targets. Since our society made a huge shift in the post-industrial time, there are no longer many circumstances that a couple had six or seven kids in their house which is a real disaster with poor people. Now, people become more educated and informed about this these issues. With the government, this these variations have helped it control our society better and consciously. In many peripheral aspects, even citizens can be received many advantages now or in the future.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that this these changes are necessary for the social improvement and this these variations are positive.

Bạn chú ý danh từ số ít và số nhiều nhé :)

cam on ban  nhieu
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Đề IELTS Writing task 2 chính thức của ngày 05/03


In recent years, the structure of a family and the role of its members are gradually changing. What kinds of changes can occur? Do you think these changes are positive and negative?


The family plays an integral part in our social life. The family forms and family roles have changed in many countries in recent years.  I am supposed that there are many types of changes occurring and this trend contains positive effects.

The family structure has changed over the time in several ways. People tend to live in small nuclear families rather than large extended families. The number of children in each family has decreased drastically. In addition, family roles have changed. Woman traditionally only stayed at home to cook, clean and look after children, but nowadays they have begun going into the work force. For men it is now acceptable to be taking a larger role in raising the children and helping out with housework. Both fathers and mothers contribute equally to childcare, cooking and cleaning.

These changes have affected on life positively. Firstly, if the number of children in a family is low, parents might spend more time to take care and educate their children. Thus, bad friends, sex-arousing imaginations on television or internet might have no opportunity to pose a threat to children’s behavior. Secondly, children’s behavior is able to be affected by parents’ way of life. Children often imitate the familiar daily behavior of parents. In many families, many fathers and mothers share their viewpoint and domestic responsibilities. When parents behave each other in a respectful manner, the children might also respect to others and have positive way of life.

In conclusion, the family structure as well as family roles has changed in various ways, and these changes have impacted on all aspects of life positively.

21 points


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Bài góp ý của bạn Oanh_CTV tại chuawritingmienphi.com

Trên đây là góp ý của mình về bài viết. Hy vọng tác giả đọc kỹ và có câu hỏi nào có thể hỏi lại nhé.
Cám ơn bạn nhiều, ý kiến của bạn thực sự rất hữu ích. Mình sẽ tiếp thu và cố gắng cải thiện để có kết quả tốt hơn. Tks a lot!
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In recent years, the structure of a family and the role of its members are gradually changing. What kinds of changes can occur? Do you think these changes are positive and negative?


The family plays an integral part in our social life. The family forms and family roles have changed in many countries in recent years.  I am supposed that there are many types of changes occurring and this trend contains positive effects.

The family structure has changed over the time in several ways. People tend to live in small nuclear families rather than large extended families. The number of children in each family has decreased drastically. In addition, family roles have changed. Woman traditionally only stayed at home to cook, clean and look after children, but nowadays they have begun going into the work force. For men it is now acceptable to be taking a larger role in raising the children and helping out with housework. Both fathers and mothers contribute equally to childcare, cooking and cleaning.

These changes have impacted on life positively. Firstly, if the number of children in a family is low, parents might spend more time to take care and educate their children. Thus, bad friends, sex-arousing imaginations on television or internet might have no opportunity to pose a threat to children’s behavior. Secondly, children’s behavior is able to be affected by parents’ way of life. Children often imitate the familiar daily behavior of parents. In many families, many fathers and mothers share their viewpoint and domestic responsibilities. When parents behave each other in a respectful manner, the children might also respect to others and have positive way of life.

In conclusion, the family structure as well as family roles has changed in various ways, and these changes have impacted on some aspects of life positively.

21 points
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          Nowadays, the composition of a family as well as its member’s part are likely to be quiet different from the past. Despite this phenomenon contains some small drawbacks, it is predominantly positive. To prove this true, this essay will look at the changes in number of babies a couple has and the mutual help among members.


          For one, it is clear to realize that today's parents are tending to have fewer children than their predecessors. For example, a study published in Happy Family magazine showed that averagely a couple in the 1950s has from 6 to 10 children, although the present one has only up to 3. As a result, this will minimize population growth and help parents more easily take care of their progenies. Therefore, the advantageous ramification of cutting down the amount of children in improving living standards can clearly be seen.


          Secondly, there is a fantastic and surprise interchange house works among family members. For instance, my father in recent times usually gose home early anf cooks meals for the whole family, electricaly devices. Switching over the the regularly work of other people can raise sympathy towards them, understanding their feelings and difficulties and also curbs sexism. As this affirms, swapping affairs with each other is one of the benefits deriving from changing the role of family members.


          In conclusion, the gradual reduction of children quantity and playing the role of members in a family are signs of optimism in social reform. It is thus predicted that the foreseeable future will be brighter and more progressive with these innovations.


4 points
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The topics regarding to family have constantly evolved as major debates among sociologist in recent years. A number of people shares to the viewpoint that the family instruction and its functions have highly changed nowadays. I am supposed that there are some dominant explanations for this issue and contains both positive and negative impacts.

To begin with, having several causes leads to the discussed matter. Together with economic development, relationship between members in families is powerfully affected by economic factor. For instance, if a husband works outside to earn money for feeding his family, his role in the family will be greater than his wife who only stays at home to look after their babies. In some situations like that, the husband often looks down on the wife. Besides, people in modern world are busier and busier than before, so they spend less time for their families. That circumstance might easily cause the separation in family living.

Nevertheless, this tendency can create some positive aspects on citizens' lives. Young residents are very active in study and social activities. For example, a large amount of students who left their families to emigrate to big cities for studying ought to enhance their independence and look after themselves. In addition, such young people are also responsible members of community when they engage in many social programmes to assist poor families in remote areas. However, there is just the tip of the iceberg.

Continuously, the problem can result in many detrimental influences. Because the family organization has altered, disputes among members may simply take place as usual. Thereby, divorce rate is dramatically increasing now. Besides, children in such families can easily change into disordered individuals when lacking of accurate education from their parents.

To conclude, the issue's root originates from many prominent reasons comprising of economic segment as well as social factor. The change in family structure and its position brings about not only good influences but also drawbacks.

95 points

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