It is inevitable that as technology advances, traditional cultures will be lost
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It is inevitable that as technology advances, traditional cultures will be lost. It seems that we cannot have these two things together

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bai lam:

These days, ubiquity of technology is visible around the world. I agree that this trend might lose traditional culture but we can have both these two things by essential changes of our attitude

With regard to likelihood of disappearing long standing cultural values because of advanced technology’s domination, I perceive that people now are taking hi-tech devices for granted in daily lives. As a result, formal traditional culture is being distorted which relates to how people apply technology’ advantages in activities. For example, instead of writing a letter for lovers, they send them by email or have direct conversation on social networks. Moreover, while only few people chose shopping around to buy their items, several others are shopping online because they want to save their time. Consequently, things bought through internet are bad quality. Also, habit of over- dependence on hi-tech device like reading by internet–connected devices leads to considerably reduction of traditional reading styles which are magazines, newspapers or books.

However, I believe that benefits of using technology is indispensible thing to human’ civilization. Therefore, if people know how to capitalize on its advantages, people are likely to develop long-established tradition without fading traditional values. Moreover, advanced technology is not convenient all the times because of works’ flexibility. For example, in a business, meetings occur weekly and they can have an online meeting. However, when businessman sign a contract, it’s necessary to have a face-to-face conversation. That’s why people should balance utilizing hi-tech’s advantages and keep traditional methods to make life become more flexible and effective

To sum up, although advanced technology’s popularity are cross the world which results in traditional culture on the risk of extinct, I argue that people can set those two things together by ourselves’ awareness

Words: 292

5 points

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1 Answer

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0 votes
Here is my comments :

1, the ubiquity of technology

2, I agree with the statement that

3, both things ( not these two things : both = two things)

4, as a result , formal tranditional culture, which relates to... , is being ...

5, things were bought ...

6, considerable reduction

7, are indispensible
23 points

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