It is observed that in many countries not enough students are choosing to study science subject What are the causes ? And what will be effects on society ?
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Over the past several years , the steadily decreasing of students choosing science subject is one of major challenge in the world today .There are many reasons why they prefer other subjects and this issues have a huge impact on society .

Clearly science subjects are likely to require deep-learning academy. Science subjects including biologies , mathematics demand years of training and well-understood courses before taking up technical jobs .Consequently , many students would rather choose other majors as they want to save time and cost .Furthermore , students joining these subjects are put under a wide range of pressure which mostly comes from their mentors , also their family . For instance , some chinese and indian family are rigorous in their children studying , mostly their future career has been decided even before they were born .In short , to draw students attention in scence subjects requires much support from family and schools .

It is no doubt that the impact of these issues will provoke the shortage of labor force  . Many works require high specialized knowledge to operate such as softeware engineering , which is important to build station system .This , in turn , will hurt economic of that nations , leading to crisis of in large areas . Therefore , the government in some countries have provided a large number of scholarships to encourge more students to join these subjects .

In conclusion ,reasons causing the lack of science students are a major vary, this brings several impacts on the society .


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1 Answer

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2. You wrote: ...ents choosing science subject is one of major challenge in the world today .There are...

Suggestion: one of the major challenges

5. You wrote: academy. Science subjects including biologies , mathematics demand years of training ...Suggestion: biologi

19. You wrote: ...n short , to draw students attention in scence subjects requires much support from fam...Suggestion: science

:22. You wrote: ...pecialized knowledge to operate such as softeware engineering , which is important to bui...Suggestion: software

30. You wrote: ...ernment in some countries have provided a large number of scholarships to encourge more students ...

Suggestion: many, numerous

31. You wrote: ...vided a large number of scholarships to encourge more students to join these subjects . ...

Suggestion: encourage


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