IELTS task 2 sáng 30/12/15-Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than international music?
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I'm a new member. i have just studied ielts for few months. i hope you guys can help me. thanks a lot!!

There are many types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important and should it be preserved or is international music that is heard everywhere nowadays more useful to a society?

(311 words)

Music is an essential part in our lives not only in the past but also up to now. its role is showed more clearly day by day. And from my point of view, traditional music is considered to be more useful than the international one.

As I said that music is very necessary because we can take from it many benefits. People today seem to have more tensions than they used to: stress from study, stress from work or even stress from marriage ,.. So listen to music is the best way to relax yourselves. An convenient and inexpensive way!  When you do that., your sorrow and anxiety will ease significantly. Music also give us  joy and happiness . Music connect people closer,  raise fun at the parties or celebrations,.. it can’t deny that music help us a lot in our daily lives. Morever, every songs has their own meaning and they wil teachs you lessons about love, friendship, family, and so on.  I can’t imagine how the world will be without music.

Today there are many kind of music and you can easily hear it on the internet or on Tv, radio,.. But above all of them, traditional music is more valuable and useful. These day international music grows popularity beacause it’s catchy and easier to understand. but those songs are just commercial products and and the bussinessman make money from them. On the contrary, traditional music  such as Ca Tru, help us know more our culture ,custom and history and also make us remember our ancestors. But it’s pity that nowadays some kind of traditional music seem to almost disappear. So we need to do something to prevent it from extinction before too late.

In conclusion, music play an important part in our daily route and to my thinking, traditional music is more valuable than the international music.

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Music is an essential part in our lives not only in the past but also up to now. its role is showed more clearly day by day. And from my point of view, traditional music is considered to be more useful (mình nghĩ useful ở đây không phù hợp lắm, nó khác nghĩa với important, bạn có thể thay là significant) than the international one.

As I said that music is very necessary because we can take from it many benefits. People today seem to have more tensions than they used to: stress from study, stress from work or even stress from marriage ,.. So listening to music is the best way to relax yourselves (ourselves). An (A) convenient and inexpensive way!  When you do that., your sorrow and anxiety will ease significantly. Music also gives us joy and happiness . Music connects people closer,  raise fun at the parties or celebrations,.. it can’t deny that music helps us a lot in our daily lives. Morever(Moreover), every songs (song) has their own meaning and they wil teachs (will teach) you lessons about love, friendship, family, and so on.  I can’t imagine how the world will be without music.

Today there are many kinds of music and you can easily hear it (listen to them) on the internet or on Tv, radio,.. But above all of them, traditional music is more valuable and useful(có ích? ko hợp). These days international music grows popularity beacause (because) it’s catchy and easier to understand. but those songs are just commercial products and and the bussinessman (businessmen) make money from them. On the contrary, traditional music  such as Ca Tru (ko nên đưa ví dụ này, người chấm ko hiểu đâu), help us know more our culture ,custom and history and also make us remember our ancestors. But it’s pity that nowadays some kind of traditional music seem to almost disappear. So we need to do something to prevent it from extinction before too late.

In conclusion, music plays an important part in our daily route (routine) and to my thinking, traditional music is more valuable than the international music.


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cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều!! mình sẽ rút kinh nghiệm những lỗi sai chính tả của mình smiley

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