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Topic: Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views.

High-school graduates often face the dilemma of whether to seek a job or continue studying higher. Some people are on the view that studying at university or college is the best way to a successful career while others are on another opinion that working straight after school is a better choice.

On the one hand, there is a variety of attractive reasons for getting a job straight after school. Firstly, many young people want to start working to earn money as soon as possible. Due to their own income, they able to live independently and afford for their living expenses. Thus, they may settle down and raise a family sooner than the others. Secondly, the young who decide to find work, rather than continue their studies, may progress more quickly. In terms of their career, they will obtain a lot of real experiences and learn practical skills related to their chosen profession. This may lead to a successful career.

On the other hand, it is more beneficial for teenagers to pursue higher education. First, university graduates have academic qualifications which many professions require. For example, it is impossible to become a doctor, teacher or engineer without having the relevant degree. Consequently, people with certificates of universities or colleges often have more and better career opportunities than those with fewer qualifications. As a result, university graduates are paid a salary level higher than those without a degree. Second, the job market is becoming more and more competitive, employers often request applicants to have proper career qualifications for specific positions. If not having these qualifications, job seekers can’t meet recruitment conditions.

To conclude, it is obvious that  both working right after school and choosing to continue studying at university or college has each own advantages.

37 points

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High-school graduates often face the dilemma of whether to seek a job/ employment or continue studying higher/ pursue further education. Some people are on of the view that studying at university or college is the best way to a successful career (viết thế này thì vẫn giống của đề) while others are on another opinion believe that working straight after school is a better choice. (bạn vẫn cần một câu chốt)

On the one hand, there is a variety of attractive convincing/ major reasons for getting a job straight after school. Firstly, many young people want to start working to earn money as soon as possible. (chỗ này thêm 1 câu giải thích cho lý do của bạn, ví dụ đại học tốn 4 năm học và rất nhiều chi phí khác) (câu sau có thể sửa một chút để hợp với câu mới) Due to their own income, they able to live independently and afford for their living expenses (câu này nên để thành câu kéo theo, và kết thúc ở đây) (giống như một cách diễn giải vấn đề). Thus, they may settle down and raise a family sooner than the others. Secondly, the young those who decide to find work right after graduating, rather than continue their studies, may progress (mình không đồng ý lắm về từ này, bạn xem có từ nào nghe rõ nghĩa hơn không) more quickly. In terms of their career (cụm này cũng thấy không thuyết phục, nên dùng Liên Từ là được rồi), they will obtain a lot of real experiences (kinh nghiệm làm việc không đếm được) and learn practical skills related to their chosen profession. This may lead to a successful career (câu này quá ngắn và vì thế sẽ kém thuyết phục, nên thay bằng một câu ví dụ).

On the other hand, it is more beneficial for teenagers/ youngsters/ young people (nhiều từ hay hơn, đâu phải cứ hướng vào tuổi teen) to pursue/ continue higher education. Firstly, university graduates have will obtain academic qualifications which many professions companies require. For example, it is impossible to become a doctor, teacher or engineer without having the relevant degree(giống của Simon thì phải?). Consequently In fact, people with certificates of universities or colleges often have more and better career opportunities than those who don't with fewer qualifications. As a result, university graduates are paid a salary level higher than those without a degree. (cẩn thận lạc đề) Secondly, the job market is without a doubt becoming more and more increasingly competitive, employers often request (dùng require chứ nhỉ?) applicants to have proper career qualifications for specific positions (vế 2 nên nối bằng and to gain a specific position,...). If not having these qualifications, job seekers can’t meet recruitment conditions. (rõ ràng là như bạn nói) (chỗ này nên thêm vào 1 ý mới Thirdly)

To conclude, it is obvious that both working right after school and choosing to continue studying at university or college (có thể rút ngắn còn both choices không?) has each own advantages have their own advantages.

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458 points


Cảm ơn bạn đã góp ý rất chân tình và gợi ý từ cho mình, tớ ko học ở thầy nào chỉ học trên mạng, nên rất cần có nguwoif chỉ bảo như các bạn.

 Rất mong  tiếp tục nhận được góp ý của bạn.

Best regards.

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High-school graduates often face the dilemma of whether to seek a job or continue studying higher. Some people are on the view that studying at university or college is the best way to a successful career while others are on another opinion that working straight after school is a better choice.cau intro ban viet cung tam on

On the one hand, there is a variety of attractive (không cần thiết) reasons for getting a job straight after graduates school. Firstly, many young people want to start working to earn money as soon as possible.(có thể supply ý ở đây tại sao lại muốn kiếm việc ngay, hoàn cảnh khó khăn, học phí đại học đát đỏ) Due to their own income, they able to live independently and afford for their living expenses. Thus, they may settle down and raise a family sooner than the others. Secondly, the young  (those people) who decide to find work, rather than continue their studies, may progress more quickly.(xem lại câu này) In terms of their career, they will obtain a lot of real experiences and learn practical skills related to their chosen profession. This may lead to a successful career

On the other hand, it is more beneficial for teenagers to pursue higher education. First (firstly), university graduates have academic qualifications which many professions( thay works hoặc companies) require. For example, it is impossible to become a doctor, teacher or engineer without having the relevant degree. Consequently, people with certificates of universities or colleges often have more and better career opportunities than those with fewer qualifications. As a result, university graduates (chỗ này bị lặp từ câu trên có thể thay younger people hoặc job seeker) are paid a salary level higher than those without a degree. Second(secondly), the job market is becoming more and more competitive, employers often request applicants to have proper career qualifications for specific positions. If not having these qualifications, job seekers can’t meet recruitment conditions.

To conclude, it is obvious that  both working right after school and choosing to continue studying at university or college has each own advantages.

bài viết khả ổn cần xem lại cách dùng từ mới để paraphrase lai, và bài này khá giống với bài anh Ngọc Bách đã dạy mình trước đây.

thanks chúc học tốt

21 points

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I learn to write IELTS for myself. To be honest, I learn the Writing skill on Ngoc Bach  and Simon web pages but I avoid copying their sentences, only imitate their styles.

I hope I can write simply like them and receive a lot of comments from you.

Thanks for your correction.


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