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Mình đang luyện viết ielts cho kỳ thi sắp tới. mục tiêu của mình là 7.5.
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IELTS Writing - bài 1:
Leaders and directors in an organisation are normally older people. Some people think younger leaders would be better. Do you agree or disagree?

It is true that managers in an organization are very important people. Personally I believe that not only older leaders can run business well, but young people can also make companies go further. I therefore disagree the opinion that the younger leaders would be better than the older ones.

On the one hand, older directors have much experience, so they can deal with hard situations or unexpected cases smoothly and effectively. As we know in order to become a leader of any departments or enterprises, normally we must spend a long time on being an employee to express our excellent skills, abilities and outstanding performance. In reality, most CEOs are older people such as Steve Job, Tim Cook, and Bill Gates and so on…. They have so many years in business, so they will have a good view and forecast about the market and trend….

On the other hand, many organizations need creative, active and young people to lead the group. We can see Facebook is a clear example. Mark became CEO of Facebook when he was only 23 years old.  Nowadays, many young people are in the high positions in organizations, especially in marketing, communication and sale departments. Although they do not have so much experience, depending on the type of business young people can take their own advantage to lead team, group and even company.

In short, anybody who have ability will have chance to become a leader. It would be both unfair and unreasonable to choose the leader basing on the age only.

 IELTS Writing - Bài 2:
Some people think that there should be some strict controls about noise. Others think that they could just make as much noise as they want. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
It is clear that noise is one of the types of pollution, so there is an argument that noise should be strictly controlled. However, some people support the viewpoint that they are free to make sound. From my point of view, we should make reasonable noise to loosen the effects of noise pollution.

For many of us, the concept of pollution is limited to nature and resources. But, noise that tends to disrupt the natural rhythm of life makes for one solid pollutant. If machines in factories make so much noise, there are large number of vehicles on roads, airplanes on the sky, or TV, radio and MP 3 and so on are set at the highest volume level, many effects are made from that consist of health issues, sleeping disorders, trouble communicating and hearing problems.  

On the other hand, it is argued that some kinds of music should be heard at the high level of volume and others are better with the lower one. Hence they have right to make sound as they like. Furthermore, the sound in some machines or applicants such as washing machines, power generators and so on are fixed. Any time when they are opened, the noise is created. In this case, it is hard to manage the noise.

In conclusion, the sound is an important or necessary factor for our life, we use it to communicate and relax. Nevertheless, with many negative effects from noise I think that noise should be controlled and created acceptably.

IELTS Writing- Bài 3:
It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment, such as the South Pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, due to the development of technology and science there is no obstacle for human beings to get the remote destination. While I accept that negative effects will some time occur for the environment, I believe we are more likely to have advantages.

It is true that the world population is growing, thus the demand for area to live is increasing. If scientists can explore new centuries or new planets, human beings will have more chances to multiple. James Cook, for example, is the first recorded European contact with  the eastern coastline of Australia and the Hawaiian Islands.  Other benefits of discovering the distant natural atmosphere is to study the local inhabitants, flora and fauna. In the past, we just knew the earth via books or newspapers, now it is easy to travel to any where we want.

Accidents, on the contrary, will be the big drawback of travelling. As we know, nowadays there are so many missing planes, sinking ships such as Malaysia airline flight MH370 or Korean ship that causes hundreds of people’s death. Furthermore,  human activity is one of the reasons for air pollution, climate change and global warming.

In conclusion, the aforementioned argument provides both view of traveling to remote places. In my opinion, nevertheless,  positive effects outweigh the negative impacts due to so many important discoveries from explorations.
8 points

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Tách thành 3 bài đi Luyen Pea, dồn 3 bài 1 lúc thế này không ai muốn góp ý đâu chưa kể là sẽ rất rối khi người chữa muốn chữa bài phải ghi rõ từng bài cụ thể. Ngoài ra, sửa nhanh giùm mình mấy chỗ ..., so that, so on, but nhé. Các cụm này có thể thay thế bằng nhiều cụm khác ăn điểm hơn in order to, however, etc.
458 points

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