The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.
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Consumer expenditure

The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.

Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category - 2002





























The table demonstrates the amount of spending in five countries based on three specific catagories of products in the year 2002.

Overall, the larger percentaged of consumer spending in each country went on food, drinks and tobacco, while leisure and education accounted for the lowest proportion in the table.

As can be seen obviously that the consumption of Food/Drink/Tobacco was particularly higher in Turkey at 32.14% and nearly at 29% in Ireland, in contrast, the country had the least spending on these items  was Sweden at roughly 16% . Next to second colunm of clothes and shoes, Italy had a significant higher than other countries at 9%, and the rest of the countries also spent almost equivalent amount of money.

Finally, in the last category which is leisure and education, Turkey was again the most spending country which had the consumption of 4.35% compared to the total expenditure. Lastly, Spain was cited to have the consumption of 1.98%, therefore was considered as the least spending country in the category.


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The table demonstrates the amount of spending in five countries based on three specific catagories of products in the year 2002.

Overall, larger percentages of consumer spending in each country went on food, drinks and tobacco, while leisure and education costs accounted for the lowest proportions in the table.

As can be seen obviously that the consumption of Food/Drink/Tobacco was particularly higher in Turkey at 32.14% and nearly at 29% in Ireland, in contrast, the country had the least spending on these items  was Sweden at roughly 16% . Next to second colunm of clothes and shoes, Italy had a significant higher ???than other countries at 9%, and the rest of the countries also spent almost equivalent amount of money (confusing here, personal opinions can be penalized).

Finally, in the last category which is leisure and education, Turkey was again the most spending country which had the consumption of 4.35% compared to the total expenditure. Lastly, Spain was cited to have the consumption of 1.98%, therefore was considered as the least spending country in the category.

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The table shows the percentage of consumer expenditure in three groups of items in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.

In general, most people used to spend their budgets on basic needs such as food, beverages or tobacco. However, very few people pay attention to recreational activities. 32.14% of the Turkish population spent on eating, drinking and smoking, which became the highest number in this group. Leisure activities are the most popular in Turkey, with 4.35%. Ireland's consumption expenditure on food/drinking and tobacco was the second largest number, accounting for 28,91%. Around 16% of the Swedish and Italian population spends on food, beverages and tobacco. This was only half of Turkey's figure. However, education and relaxation activities in these two countries were very much spent, about 3.2%. The percentage of people engaged in clothing and footwear was the highest in Italy, at 9%, while the number of the other four countries was between 5% and 6%. The least popular form of consumer spending in Spain was Leisure and Education. Perhaps these activities were not yet popular with the Spanish during this period.
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