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advantages and disadvantages of advertising

it is an undeniable fact that advertising is a key part of modern business. while i accept that advertising can sometimes has a positive affect on the user,i believe that it is more likely to have a harmful impact on.

on the one hand, advertisements are essential in free market economic.it is a necessary maketing tool of modern business because companies need to introduce customers about their products. secondly, advertisements inform us about the choice we have without advertising we would have less selection. finally, promotion is creative industry that employs many people. therefore, there would be higher unemployer without it

although advertising has many advantages, there still exist some noteworthy disadvantages.firstly, advertiement appeals to people that buying a product will make them happier although these are not in the real need. in addition, advertisers forcus on selling a brand image and we are encouraged to associate certain brands with a higher status. likewise, they often aim their marketing at children because the yough generation can easily be influenced by advertisements. for example, if many advertisement include images of dangerous and unsafe, the children can imitate the stunts by themselves at home, with deadly result

in conclusion, advertising is worth considering to improve the current situation but there are benifits and drawbacks of introducing such a policy  


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it is an undeniable fact that advertising is a key part of modern business. while i accept that advertising can sometimes has a positive effect on the user,i believe that it is more likely to have a harmful impact on.

on the one hand, advertisements are essential in free market economic.it is a necessary maketing tool of modern business because companies need to introduce customers about their products. secondly, advertisements inform us about the choice we have, without advertising we would have less selection. finally, promotion is creative industry that employs many people. therefore, there would be more unemployers without it 

although advertising has many advantages, there still exist some noteworthy disadvantages.firstly, advertisement appeals to people that buying a product will make them happier  (MĐQH thay cho people nên sẽ k có "them" nữa nhé. Bạn có thể sửa lại là  who will be happier when buying a product )although these are not in the real need. in addition, advertisers forcus on selling a brand image and we are encouraged to associate certain brands with a higher status. likewise, they often aim their marketing at children because the young generation can easily be influenced by advertisements. for example, if many advertisements include images of danger and unsafety, the children can imitate the stunts by themselves at home, with deadly result

in conclusion, advertising is worth considering to improve the current situation but there are benifits and drawbacks of introducing such a policy  

23 points

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