Many people are now using electronic books instead of printed books because of free download technological devices. In your opinion, will electronic books replace printed books entirely in the future?
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Many people are now using electronic books instead of printed books because of free download technological devices. In your opinion, will electronic books replace printed books entirely in the future? Why or why not?

Nowadays, there are an increasing number of electronic books available on the Internet due to the fast-pace development of information technology. Although electronic books provide many benefits, they can not completely replace printed books.

Printed books have considerable advantages to reading. First, it will be easier and faster to understand a passage’s content when using printed version. With the requirement of obtaining a huge amount of information in the studying process, students have to apply reading skills such as skim and scan which can not conduct quickly with electronic books. In addition, I believe that the acquisition of knowledge is much more intriguing when there are the interaction between readers and their materials. The mere activity of touching and feeling the special aroma of paper constitutes a great excitement for reading.

Besides, reading book on paper is not harmful for your health compared to E-books. Indeed, the contact of human eyes and computer screen causes the eyes to be easy vulnerable because of radiated emission. Some people may argue that reading digital books is convenient as it is free on the online resources and it is not money consuming. However, with the disadvantages of electric books brings to health, it is worth to pose a paper books.

In conclusion, the usefulness of printed books vastly outweighs any advantages of electric books and the value of reading printed book culture will be continually conserved in the modern life.

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2 Answers

2 votes
2 votes
  • Your written essay lacks of words. 
  • skim and scan ---> skimming and scanning
  • "conduct" cannot be used in this sentence "students have to apply reading skills such as skim and scan which can not conduct quickly with electronic books"
  • "In addition, I believe that the acquisition of knowledge is much more intriguing when there are the interaction between readers and their materials" ---> physical interaction
  • "money consuming" ---> a wrong collocation
  • "with the disadvantages of electric books brings to health" ---> grammatical mistake.
  • "worth to pose" ---> worth + V-ing
  • You should use more complicated sentences and uncommon words.
  • Your ideas are not good enough to persuade the readers. 
49 points

1 comment

Thanks for your comment ! I will rewrite my essay.

Have a nice day!
1 vote
1 vote
I total agree with Nguyễn Thu Trà; however, I realize that there is some mistake.
-Printed books have considerable advantages to reading -----Printed books have considerable advantages for reading.
- the usefulness of printed books vastly outweighs any advantages of electric books and the value of reading printed book culture will be continually conserved in the modern life-grammatical mistake.
You should use some academic words for your essay.
25 points

1 comment

Thanks for your comment ! 

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