Some people believe that the advent of economical air travel has been very beneficial by making international travel more accessible, while others argue that it has had a very negative impact.
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Some people believe that the advent of economical air travel has been very beneficial by making international travel more accessible, while others argue that it has had a very negative impact.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

People have different views about whether the development of economical air travel is positive or negative. I personally believe that this development positively influences lives of people around the world.

On the one hand, I agree with those who believe that cheap air tickets benefit people in various ways. Firstly, low-cost flights allow people to travel abroad easily. Therefore, from the economic perspective, the development of the aviation industry can be extremely positive since it facilitates trading activities between countries whereby economic growth can be improved. Secondly, thanks to accessible flights, people can travel with a significantly lower price than before. For example, in the past only wealthy people were able to travel to other countries on holiday. Today as air tickets are more affordable, many people can enjoy a holiday in other countries. This implies the living standard has increased considerably.

However, the development of economical air travel also has some negative impacts. As the economy grows more rapidly, pollution from economic activities also increases greatly. Therefore, in the long-term, people’s welfare will be influenced adversely. Another negative impact of air travel advances is that it fosters the process of globalization which means people around the world become more connective. Although this international connection is beneficial in some ways, it can undermine distinctive cultures. When globalization occurs, people in different countries would have similar ways of doing things as well as lifestyles. Therefore, in the long-run they may even lose their national customs and traditions.

In conclusion, while some people believe that economical air travel has negative impacts on human life, my own view is that this development significantly contributes to better quality of lives.

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Some people believe that the advent of economical air travel has been very beneficial by making international travel more accessible, while others argue that it has had a very negative impact.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


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cảm ơn Trung, mình quên ghi đề :)) Economical air travel là main theme nên ko paraphrase cũng ko sao. Cảm ơn Trung đã góp ý.
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uh Tâm đây nè Trung ơi

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