Most pollution, especially air and water pollution, is caused by industry. If we want to protect environment, we should make factories and other forms of industry pay of all the pollution that they cause. That is the best way to make sure that the owners will make a serious effort to reduce the pollution that they cause
With the rapid industrialization, pollution is increasingly becoming an alarming global problem that absorbs many concerns from international organizations. In this manner, some people consider that the best way to reduce pollution, especially air and water pollution, caused by industry is to force the owners of factories take their responsibility for all pollution. Personally, this ideal is not persuasive because there are more effective ways to deal with this problem.
It is admitted that factories and other forms of industry must have responsibility for pollution they caused but making them pay of all pollution is not considered as an effective way. The factories, especially large corporations are already to pay apart of their budget for the pollution they caused instead of paying attention for having waste disposal systems because these systems absorb a large amount of money. Practically, while the payment for national budget as a punishment of violating environmental law is only around thousands of dollar, the cost to install a waste disposal system may be up to millions of dollar. That is why many companies still ignore require of environmental law in having standard waste recycling system.
There are more reasonable methods to reduce pollution caused by industry that requires the cooperation of both government and factories. In this manner, the government should give more strict principles of law to punish the factories cause contamination, even forcing those to close as a penalty. Due to these strict principles, these companies will have plans to spend their money to improve their systems that are suitable for standard demand. In addition, the government should also support the factories to organize free courses for improving the awareness of workers who are directly affected by harmful waste and fume from factories with the purpose of reducing pollution. That is why in practical the pollution in developed countries where have advanced waste disposal systems is lower than developing ones.
In conclusion, the people will experience a better life if we take steps to reduce pollution.