Some people think women should be allowed to join the army, the navy and the air force just like men. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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In recent years, woman have important role in society as well as man. Many people believe that woman have to participate in military's mission to protect country from enemies. Pesonally, i disagree with this idea for two resons.

As far as we know, every citizen has reponsible for security status of their country. However, woman is too weak to conduct this mission. Besides, their health is not ensure they can devote for military as much as man do. While they join in army, navy or others mission for country, they have not good condition to complete their work in the best way because they have more problem to caring such as their child, their husband, their family. That is reson why woman never have do their work in military better than man do.

In addition, if woman work in army's environment, they will have to face with diffrent treament between female and male. Moreover, they can be suspected about their quality when they do an important work. The president in this organization is tend to give important work for man than woman. The big different treament will be disturb female's mind  when they try their best to complete their mission for the recognisance.

In conclusion, in the globalization period, every country have to developing their economic potential with preventing enemies from destroy our country. Virtually, man have to improve their health and quality to sacrifice to saving country career. It is time to say woman devote their life to take care of their family and uprising a new generation for country.

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2 Answers

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1/ Paragraph 1 - câu 1: cấu trúc so sánh của bạn có vấn đề, as well as là adverd bổ sung cho động từ "do something" trước đó, nên nếu bạn muốn dùng thì phải sửa lại là perform important roles as well as men do.

2/ Paragraph 1-câu 2: đề bài không nói gì về việc bắt buộc phải hay không phải, mà là nên hay không nên, bạn paraphase câu hỏi bị sai

3/ Paragraph 2-câu 2: thay is bằng does

4/ Paragraph 2-câu 3:They do not have good conditions -bạn bị sai ngữ pháp, mà cách dùng từ này cũng sai, đối với conditions người ta hay nói "not in good conditions to.."

5/Praragraph 2 câu 4: reson sai chính tả.

6/ Paragraph 3-câu 1: sai form, women not woman. Cũng cùng câu đó, "face somthing", không phải "face with sth" ít ra là không phải trong ngữ cảnh này.

Còn nhiều lỗi ở phía sau nữa, nói chung bạn nên cố gắng xem lại phần ngữ pháp, chính tả, và cách dùng từ của mình, thì điểm sẽ cao hơn
70 points


Cảm ơn bạn vì đã góp ý cho bài của mình! Mình sẽ cố gắng khắc phục những sai sót để hoàn thành bài tốt hơn!
Cảm ơn bạn nhé, Mình chỉ mới bắt đầu luyện tập viết nên cũng gặp nhiều lỗi lắm!
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