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It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Most of genius were born with natural talents. However, training hard is necessary for them. So,both factors make perfect talents on the field of music, sport or musician.

Actually, everybody is taught how to use the instryment or play a sport in our school. Nevertheless, the number of people who is prominent than any other students in the class is very few. Because they were born with natural talent and that don't depend on how good the teacher are or how regularly the pratices.

Besides, we can't deny that if they practices more frequently, they will be genius. For instance, before Picasso became a famous painter, he experienced process of hard practicing. It proved that training is factor supporting us to become genius.I personally suppose that some peopke have talents which are probably inherited their genes. In general, good musician or artists and athlete must be had both training and natural talents to succeed. Lacking of natural talent, training woudn't be productive. Without training, people wouldn't learning how to develop their talent and it will be abandoned soon.

In a word, I completely agree that training is important. Moreover, natural talent is also required.

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2 Answers

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Tôi nghĩ rằng bạn có một số vấn đề để sử dụng câu>! bạn sử dụng quá nhiều câu đơn giản và nhận thấy một số cấu trúc ngữ pháp trong bài luận của bạn! Bởi vì tôi viết không tốt, tôi chỉ có một số bình luận
Bạn sẽ mất ielts! được bạn bè! Tôi cũng cố gắng để có được!
34 points
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Hi there!

- ur essay is still grammatically incorrect. Like this one : if u use most of, then the noun follows it must have the. or else u just say most + noun. ----> Most geniuses. prominent than ( lacking more here) -----> superior to (this's just my suggestion)

and u need to do proofreading coz some sentences of ur are wrong in using plural forms and appropriate verb tenses

- the first sentence needn't be in past form. u can just say Most geniuses are born...

- never write words in short form as it's informal only. can't---> cannot

- using various structure so ur essay would be improved

Hope that these help


54 points