Writing Task 1 (Graph with trends) (đề thi ngày 20/3/2021)
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      The line graph illustrates the percentage of Americans who were born in Asia, the UK, and other areas over the period of 35 years starting from 1976.
       Overall, what stands out from the graph is that there were upward trends in both figures for Asia and others, while the UK saw a dramatic increase over the period in question. Another interesting point is that the number of people borning in the UK stood at the highest place in 1976, but in 2011 it lessened than the others.
        Looking at the details, regarding Asia, the proportion of that started at just over 2% in 1976, at which point there was a sharp rise by nearly 13%, from 2.5% to 15%. Moreover, there was a similar trend in the figure for American who was born in other regions. Beginning at 12%, and then it decreased significantly to approximately 8% in 1986, then going up considerably by 5% in the next 20 years. After that, a slow downward trend was experienced in the last decade of the period and finishing at 13%.
       By contrast, there was an opposite direction in the number of people borning in the UK. Despite starting with the highest point, 14%, there was a plummet to 5% in 2011, becoming the least ones.
        If we look at the direction of the total figure, having gone down from the first 25 years, a noticeable growth was seen in 2001 and reached a peak at 25% in 2011.
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