IELTS task 1: The table below shows the cinema viewing figures for films by country, in millions.
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Topic: The table below shows the cinema viewing figures for films by country, in millions.  Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Cinema viewing figures for films by country, in millions
  Action Romance Comedy Horror Totals
India 8 7.5 6.5 2.5 24.5
Ireland 7.6 3.8 5.5 6.4 23.3
New Zealand 7.2 4.5 3.9 4.7 20.3
Japan 7.1 4.5 4 2.2 17.8
Total 29.9 20.3 19.9 15.8  
The table compares the number of viewers of four different film genres in India, Ireland, New Zealand, and Japan. Units are measured in millions.
Overall, the most popular type of film among the viewers in all countries is action. Additionally, India registers the highest figures for all genres except for horror movies.
According to the table, action film has the highest number of viewers, ranging from 7 to 8 million for each country and a total of nearly 30 million, which doubles the figure for horror. However, horror movie is more popular in Ireland with 6.4 million compared to 2.5 million for India and 2.2 million for Japan.
On the other hand, the total numbers of viewers for comedy and romance are almost similar, at around 20 million each. In particular, India's figure for people watching romance at the cinema is at 7.5 million, which is considerably higher compared to other nations whose numbers stand at just under 4.5 million each. 
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1 Answer

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You wrote your W1 pretty well. Keep going!

you should pay more attention to some mistakes 


viewers -> views

The table compares the number of viewers of four different film genres in India, Ireland, New Zealand, and Japan -> The tabbe sheds light on how many average views of four film genres, namely Action, Romance, Comedy and Horror that people in different nations watched.

among the viewers in all countries -> among the viewers in all surveyed/provided countries

for all genres except for horror movies -> for all genres, excepting for horror movies

action film has -> action films have

horror movie is  -> horror movies are

the total numbers of viewers -> the total number of views

39 points

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