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Some people believe that children should be banned from using their phones during the school day. Others believe that children should be allowed to use their phones.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


In recent years, children’s employment of phones during school time has been a debate in many parts of the world. While there is a school of thought that phones should not be used towards students in their school, I partly believe that those should not be banned.

On the one hand, the prohibition of using phones towards children would bring at least two benefits not only for themselves but also for educators. Without any doubt, the capacity of studying would be dramatically declined unless students merely focus on their lessons in classes, instead of chatting, notifications of social networks on their phone’s screens. Due to the drawbacks of learning, children should not be given permission to keep their phones company in schools. According to a result of the Asian press survey, many students have tended to cheat using their phones on examinations, which is a red alarm in many nations. In addition, teachers will face difficulties both on managing the children's cheating by technological equipment like phones and on ensuring their quality after exams if students are allowed to use phones in classes. 

On the other hand, using phones also creates positive results for studying; moreover, phones do not really lead to negative students' mental and ethic development. By employing phones, the students can easily access the Internet to find out the answer for a difficult quiz that their teachers do not carefully instruct in classes. Besides, they can use phones for recreation like socializing with their friends or playing online games just in the break. When it comes to wrong actions and behaviours of children, there must be mentioned both of other aspects such as environmental elements, domestic education and social impacts. Clearly, phones are being totally blamed for unexpected ones. Therefore, there should be other methods rather than prohibition of using phones towards students in schools.

In conclusion, the ban of using phones in schools gives pros and cons for students. I suggest that there be more flexible methods of using phones in children’ schools.

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1 Answer

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0 votes

-...there is a school of thought that...(line 2)---> are some schools

-...teachers will face difficulties both on managing...and on ensuring their quality...(line 11)--> in

-...online games just in the break...(line 18)--> during

-...there must be mentioned both of other aspects such as --> other aspects must be mentioned such as

15 points

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Cảm ơn bạn khangvu16042004 nhiều nha!

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