Watching TV shows and movies about crime is becoming more and more popular. Why is this? What effect does that hae on society?
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In this day and age, thanks to the development of advanced technology, film industry has successfully improved.  A variety of TV series and movies become a salient feature in our daily lives , especially those that related to crime. Crime movie is udoubtedly among the most favourable one, howerver, it cannot be denied the downside it brings about.

Crime series, first and foremost, is widely recognized to be such a crow-pleaser. One principle reason for this is that crime movies have a thrilling and compelling plot and scenes, in combination with speacil effects and synchronous soundtrack. These components largely contribute to their success, creating so eye-catching stunts that raise audiences’ suspense and attention. In deed, most blockbusters and box office hits are crime movies, asserting its widespread influence on the film industry. Another reason is that through this film genre, people can somewhat fulfill their dreams if eliminating the evils and creating a tranquil world. Due to the fact that our real world contain full of injustice, inhumanity and annoyance, people tend to seek crime series as a means of letting of their stream and contempting them by providing the victory over unfair and devil.

On the other hands, the negative issues they bring about is innumerable. First of all, stunts scenes make a defect impression on the audiences, namely the young one. This causes them some psychological problems, even obsession and disgusting when facing violent scenes, distorting their perception. In fact, many films now create such a powerfu villain with miserable and passionate background in order to heighten the appeal of them. This leads to a counterproductive consequence: Many people think of themselves as if cool and overpowering characters with dark history. Therefore, they tend to commit crimes or take heinous actions so as to catch people’s attention. Not only that, aa number of people,through those crime movies, are gradually engrossed in such crime actions. For example, the film JKF is attributed to turn audiences into hooligans and vandals.

In conclusion,  there should be a deterrent against criminals. Age restriction shuold be imposed in order to dispel any ideas of commiting crimes from young audiences.
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