Task 1- The bar chart shows the global sales (in billions of dollars) of different types of digital games between 2000 and 2006
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 The given bar graph illustrates the total of four types of games that was sold (in billions dollars) all over the world from the year 2000 to 2006.
Overall, handheld games occupied the highest figure in comparison to three remaining types of games. The trend increased in mobile phone games, online games and mobile games, except console games. Particularly, online games and mobile phone games merely appeared in the year 2001 and 2002 respectively
In 2000, the profit of selling handheld games started from about 11 billion dollars and it kept increasing to 2006. The number rose modestly from 2003 to 2005. After that, in 2006, the money that game company sellers were earned from selling hanheld games was almost 18 billion dollars, and this number is much higher than in 2002. Meanwhile, the beginning year also have console games. Starting with the figure 6 billion dollars, it dropped slightly to about 3 billion dollars in 2006.

In terms of online games, it appeared in 2001 with only about 1 billion dollars. It slumped significantly and get about 9 billion dollars in 2006, almost 8 times higher than that of 2001. Besides, mobile phone games taken up a tiny quantity in 2002 and plummeted to 7 billion dollars in 2006. Either of mobile phone games and online games shared the second place of the chart in 2005 and 2006 respectively in lieu of console games.

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The given bar graph illustrates the total of four types of games that was sold (in billions dollars) all over the world from the year 2000 to 2006.
*Suggest: The given bar chart illustrates the total profits from differents games' types internationally sold in the period 2000-2006.
Overall, handheld games occupied the highest (figure)-> position, in comparison to the three (remaining types of games)-> others. (The trend increased in mobile phone games, online games and mobile games, except console games)-> Mobile phone games, online games, and mobile games witnessed upward trends, while an opposite change happened to console games' figures. Particularly, online games and mobile phone games merely appeared in the year 2001 and 2002 respectively.
In 2000, the profit of selling handheld games started from about 11 billion dollars and it (kept increasing)->constantly increased to approximately 18 billion dollars in 2006. The number rose modestly from 2003 to 2005. After that, in 2006, the money that game company sellers were earned from selling hanheld games was almost 18 billion dollars, and this number is much higher than in 2002. (Meanwhile, the beginning year also have console games. Starting with the figure 6 billion dollars, it dropped slightly to about 3 billion dollars in 2006.) -> In addition, console games' figure also existed at the initial year, which began at 6 billion dollars and subsequently dropped to nearly 3 billion dollars in 2006.

In terms of online games, it appeared in 2001 with only about 1 billion dollars. (It slumped significantly and get about 9 billion dollars in 2006, almost 8 times higher than that of 2001) ->, followed by a significant rise to nearly 9 billion dollars in 2006, which was almost 8 times higher than it was in 2001. Besides, mobile phone games taken -> made up a tiny quantity in 2002 and plummeted to 7 billion dollars in 2006. (Either of mobile phone games and online games shared the second place of the chart in 2005 and 2006 respectively in lieu of console games)-> Last but not least, mobile phone games and online games shared the second highest position in the chart in 2005 and 2006, respectively.

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