Bài IELTS Task 2 chiều 18/7 - IDP Hà Nội - Universities should except equal numbers of male and female students in every subjects. To what extent do your agree or disagree?
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Universities are established for higher education and fulfill a man's dream. A number of people argue that universities should give opportunities for both genders equally, which I have to disagree with.

     First of all, several occupations are more compatible with a gender than the other. We can take nursing as an example, a job that lots of women are interested in and suited. On the other hand, few men are into nursing but appeal to jobs like engineering, police and firefighter and others. These stereotypes are not unfamiliar since human's physical mechanism between male and female is different as each gender is likely to suit some certain career. A woman can hardly become an engineer because her job requires a strong physical ability and a man finds it is difficult when he has to babysitting or nursing.

      Secondly, I believe we need to value students who have excellent qualities since this is what every education systems  aim for. We cannot replace the intelligence standard with "gender equality". For instance, several male candidates will have to withdraw their applications when the number of qualify male students are full. On the contrary, many female students will get opportunities to access that defined course even though their merits are not as excellent as other male peers. This instance represents a lot of equivalent situations, those somehow can degrade the value of occupations in the future society.

     In conclusion, it is a very controversial issue but I shall hold the opposite. Although male and female should be treated in the same way with the same chances, utilizing equally proportion in selecting students is irrational and unfair to those truly deserve to get into universities.
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     Universities are established for higher education and (fulfill a man's dream) ->realization of humans' goals. A number of ->Several people argue that universities should give opportunities for both genders equally, which I have to disagree with.

     First of all, several occupations are more compatible with a gender than the other. We can take nursing as an example, (a job that) -> which lots of women are interested in and suited. (On the other hand) -> Meanwhile, few men are into nursing but appeal to jobs like engineering, police, firefighter, and others, which require more physical and mental strength. These stereotypes are not unfamiliar since human's physical mechanism between male and female is different as each gender is likely to suit some certain career. A woman can hardly become an engineer because her job requires a strong physical ability and a man finds it is difficult when he has to babysitting or nursing. (Ý tưởng oke nhưng trình bày hơi lòng vòng bạn nha)

      Secondly, I believe that we need to value students (who have) -> having excellent qualities since this is (what every education systems aim for) -> many education systems' goal/ purpose. We cannot replace the intelligence standard with "gender equality". For instance, several male candidates will have to withdraw their applications when the number of qualified male students are enough. (On the contrary) -> Meanwhile, many female students will get opportunities to access that defined course even though their merits are not as excellent as other male peers. This instance represents lots of (equivalent) -> unfair situations, those somehow can degrade the value of occupations in the future society.

     In conclusion, it-> this is a controversial issue but I shall hold the opposite. Although male and female should be treated in the same way with the same chances -> equivalently, (utilizing equally proportion) -> genders' overrating in selecting students is irrational and unfair to those truly deserve to get into universities.

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