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     The pie chart illustrates data on the percentage of land deterioration causes around the world. The table gives information about the proportion of land degradation by these reasons in 3 different areas namely North America, Europe, and Oceania throughout the 1990s.
     Overall, in the first chart, the main reasons, why agricultural land became less productive, were over-grazing, deforestation, and over-cultivation. Besides, in the next chart, Europe had mostly the percentage of land degradation.
     The pie chart shows that the proportion of land degradation by over-grazing was the highest, with 35%. On the other hand, the figure for deforestation and over-cultivation were lower than over-grazing about 5% and 7%, respectively. And other was the lowest remaining cause which accounted for 7%.
     The table indicated that Europe accounted for most total land degradation, with 23%, more than North America and Oceania with 5% and 13% respectively. Particularly, the figure for land degrading by over-cultivation was the highest in North America, compared to the lowest in Oceania.  In addition, deforestation and over-grazing accounted for the most percentage of land deterioration in Europe and Oceania, respectively.
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