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The given charts illustrates the percentages of land degradation caused by the main reasons in the world and i three different countries within 1990s.

It can be seen from the graphs that land degradation was mainly caused by human activities and these causes afftect in three regions differently during the period.

In the world, over-grazing accounted for the highest percentage of worldwide land degradation, at 35%. Whereas, the amount of degraded land was the lowest, at 7%. The figures for the remaining categories all stood below the 30% mark.

As far as deforestation, Europe had 9,8% of land degradation while Ocenia and North America had only 1,7% and 0,2% of land affected respectively. With regard to over-cultivation, the proportion of land affected in Europe was the highest, at 7,7%. By contrast, there is no percentage indicated land degradation due to over-cultivation in Ocenia. In the same way, Europe was responsible for the highest proportion of total land degraded, at 23%. Beside, for the remaining regions, their rate all stood below the 15% mark.
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