There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the inernational music that is heard everywhere nowadays?
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Music has been a part of people’s live  since the time civilization began and played an important role to everyone. There are many different kinds of music in the word today such as traditional music and international music. I think the traditional music can be more important or less critical than the latter is thing that depends on need of personalities.

The roles of music is important to someone, we need music to express our emotions. Music can be sad or happy, calming or agitating, angry or contented. Music can represent any human emotion when listening or playing a piece of music. Additionnally, not only does music help us more relaxed but it also makes each other connected. When people go to a concert, they are with other people who share their musical tastes. Finally, music makes our life become joyful. It is a gift of spirit for people who have difficulties in learning, working. For examples, when i am under pressure, I usually listen music to relax and reduce stressed.

In term of necessary of traditional music and international music, I think it relies on demand of each other. Specifically, I see the international music is important to me for learning foreign  language. In  constrast to that, my young sister likes traditional music because she don’t understand other languages.

To sum up, music brings a lot our lives interm of emotions, connections and joy. No culture has ever been without it and the importance of traditional music and international music is that depends on need of each persons.
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Music has been a part of people’s live since the time civilization began and played an important role to everyone. There are many different kinds of music in the word today such as traditional music and international music. I think the traditional music can be more important or less critical than the latter is thing that depends on need of personalities.

The roles of music is important to someone, --> everyone, we need music to express our emotions. Music can be sad or happy, calming or agitating, angry or contented. Music can represent -->  convey any human emotion when listening to or playing a piece of music. Additionnally, -->  Additionally, not only does music help us more relaxed but it also makes each other connected. When people go to a concert, they are with other people who share their musical tastes. Finally, music makes our life become joyful. It is a gift of spirit for people who have difficulties in learning, working. For examples, when i am under pressure, I usually listen to music to relax and reduce stressed.

In terms of necessary of traditional music and international music, I think it relies on demand of each other. Specifically, I see the international music is important to me for learning foreign  language. In  constrast,  to that, my young sister likes traditional music because she don’t understand other languages.

To sum up, music brings a lots our lives interm of -->  in terms of emotions, connections and joy. No culture has ever been without it and the importance of traditional music and international music is that depends on need of each persons -->  person.

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