The table below shows the worldwide market share of notebook computer manufacturers in the year 2006, 2007 and 2014. Summarize the information.
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The table below shows the worldwide market share of notebook computer manufacturers in the year 2006, 2007 and 2014. Summarize the information.



 The aforementioned table depicts data of worldwide market share of notebook computer brands during 2006, 2007 and 2014. Overall, it was HP who took up the largest proportion while Fujitsu’s contribution in the market share was insignificant.

 Regarding to 2006, HP was the dominated manufacturer with 31.4% when the other brands, who ranked in the second place, reached the number of 22.8%. In addition to that, the three smallest brands were Fujitsu, Toshiba and Lenovo with 4.8%, 6.2%, 6.8% respectively. 

Moving to 2007, while HP remained its highest ranking, other manufacturers mildly fell, which led to rise of Dell in ranking. Moreover, Fujitsu unfortunately hit its lowest point of 2.3%. The quite same situation happened to Lenovo as the company witnessed a small decrease.

Until 2014, HP had experienced a period of stability by remaining its place constant. Meanwhile, Fujitsu recovered to 3.1%. However, as can be seen in the table, other brands dramatically declined to 7.11%.

(154 words)

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