Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. Do you agree or disagree?
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These days, we are living in a world where crime by young people is a heated topic and often discussed. It is commonly believed that immature offenders should be punished the same as adults. I strongly disagree with young people committing an adverse crime have the same harsh penalty as adults. In this essay will explain the reasons behind my arguments of this opinion.

On the one hand, some people think that juveniles should receive the same sentences as adults for severe felonies. It is apparent that youngster delinquency is an alarming issue in this day and age, and server punishments can act as deterrent to those who intend to commit a crime. Even many people assume that if keeping these young offenders locked up in jail for longer, it would make society safer. Furthermore, when young wrongdoers only receive lenient sentences compared to adult offenders. They may not acknowledge their unlawful behavior and adverse consequence that leads the chance of their reoffending is exceptionally high.

On the other hand, I assume that young people should not receive the same punishment as adults. One of the main reasons could be that juveniles are not sufficiently educated which means that it is unjustified for them to receive the same punishment as adults. For example, some young people are forced to do illegal by adults or mimic the behavior of adults. Secondly, if young people were locked away in jail for a long time, they are likely to re-offend. Since the carrier's options available to someone who enters the workforce in their 30s with a criminal record are minimal. Therefore, after being released from prison, the young offenders will face not only many difficulties in seeking jobs but also prejudice from society.

In conclusion, in my view that I disagree with young offenders should be punished the same as adults. I hope that society will give them a second chance to make up their mistakes and to have a better life.
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1 Answer

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These days, we are living in a world where crime by young people is a heated topic and often discussed. It is commonly believed that immature offenders should be punished the same as adults. I strongly disagree with young people committing an adverse crime --> severe crimes have the same harsh penalty as adults. In this essay will explain the reasons behind my arguments of this opinion.

On the one hand, some people think that juveniles -->  youngsters should receive the same sentences as adults for severe felonies. It is apparent that youngster delinquency --> juvenile delinquency is an alarming issue in this day and age, and server -->  severe punishments can act as deterrent to those who intend to commit a crime. Even many people assume that if keeping these young offenders locked up in jail for longer, it would make society safer. Furthermore, when young wrongdoers only receive lenient sentences compared to adult offenders. They may not acknowledge their unlawful behavior and adverse --> serious consequence that leads the chance of their reoffending is exceptionally high.

On the other hand, I assume that young people should not receive the same punishment as adults. One of the main reasons could be that juveniles are not sufficiently educated which means that it is unjustified for them to receive the same punishment as adults. For example, some young people -->  teenagers are forced to do illegal by adults or mimic the behavior of adults. Secondly, if young people were locked away in jail for a long time, they are likely to re-offend. Since the carrier's options available to someone who enters the workforce in their 30s with a criminal record are minimal. Therefore, after being released from prison, the young offenders will face not only many difficulties in seeking jobs but also prejudices from society.

In conclusion, in my view that I disagree with young offenders should be punished the same as adults. I hope that society will give them a second chance to make up their mistakes and to have -->  in order to get a better life.

304 points

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