Students should obsẻve their teachers do experiments instead of per se
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Some individuals are of the opinion that primary students should observe their teachers do experiments instead of participating in by themselves. Personally, I partly agree with this opinion when it comes to safety.However, there are also some experments that are safe enough for students to do.

          On the one hand, primary students shoud avoid doing experiments because of many potentially dangerous stituations which come from their lack of practical knowledge and experience as well. In fact, due to time limits, in one semester, students are just allowed to do experiments 2 or 3 times on average that means they do not have enough experience to execute an experiment per se or manage when incidents happen in laboratory.Consequently, to ensure safety aspect, students are not encouraged to do experiments.

          On the other hand, some experiments are highly safe for primary students to conduct as these experiments help them apply their delivered knowledge into practice and remember longer. For example, when students are allowed to engage in a chemitry experiment under teacher’s observation, they will measure the ingredients and do this experiment step by step per se that helps them remember delivered knowledge in detail and in a longer tearm. As a result, primary students should execute some simple experiments per se to improve their application ability.

          In short, due to the dangerous aspect of almost experiments, I endorse the idea that primary students should observe experiments demonstrated by teachers rather than execute them per se. However, students should still allowed to do some safe experiments to improve their understanding of the knowledge’s practical aspect.

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Some individuals are of the opinion that primary students should observe their teachers do experiments instead of participating in by themselves. Personally, I partly agree with this opinion when it comes to safety. However, -->  Besides, there are also some experments that -->  experiments which are safe enough for students to do.

          On the one hand, primary students shoud  --> should avoid doing experiments because of many potentially dangerous stituations -->  potential dangerous situations which come from their lack of practical knowledge and experience as well. In fact, due to time limits, in one semester, students are just allowed to do experiments 2 or 3 times on average that means they do not have enough experience to execute an experiment per se or manage when incidents happen in laboratory. Consequently, to ensure safety aspect, students are not encouraged to do experiments.

          On the other hand, some experiments are highly safe for primary students to conduct as these experiments help them to apply their delivered -->  theoretical knowledge into practice and remember longer. For example, when students are allowed to engage in a chemitry -->  chemical experiment under teacher’s observation, they will measure the ingredients and do this experiment step by step per se that helps them remember delivered à theoretical knowledge in detail and in a longer tearm. -->  for a long time. As a result, primary students should execute some simple experiments per se to improve their application ability.

          In short, due to the dangerous aspect of almost experiments, I endorse the idea that primary students should observe experiments demonstrated by teachers rather than execute them per se. However, students should still be allowed to do some safe experiments to improve their understanding of the knowledge’s practical aspect.

304 points

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