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The bar chart describes the quantity of landline telephones per thousand of the population in different countries from 2000 to 2004.
Looking at the graph, it is clear that the number of landline telephones was by far highest among other nations. Additionally, while numbers tend to fall in countries with the highest level of the phone ownership, the figure for countries which had fewer phone owners rose in 2000.
In 2000, the number of landline telephone ownership in Singapore was highest, at about 460 people per thousand. Meanwhile, the figure for Brunei Darussalam was significantly lower, at just 250 people, compared to approximately 80 people in Phillippines and Thailand. However, less than 50 people in the remaining countries used landline telephone in this moment.
The period from 2000 to 2004 witnessed a considerable rise in the figure of landline telephone users in Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, with about 30 people. Nevertheless, the figure for the others dropped marginally with approximately 23 people. However, the quantity of landline telephone ownership in Myanmar nearly stay unchanged at about 8 people.
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in this moment =>at that moment

yếu điểm: đôi khi bị thừa từ ( mk cx k chắc có bị trừ hay k)

điểm mạnh khi sử dụng lưu loát vốn từ vựng &ngữ pháp, chú ý vào trọng tâm của bài, có kỹ năng paraphrase lại đề bài (tránh lặp tử),kiểm soát được độ dài trong câu

*mk suggest cho bn tải app grammarly miễn phí thì nó sẽ chỉnh cho bn ở bất kì trình duyệt nào , bn có thể cải tiện qua nó*

Band score : 4.5 =>5.5
8 points

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