IT enables many people to do their work outside their workplace (e.g. at home, when travelling, etc.). Do the benefits of this mobility outweigh the disadvantages?
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Indeed, in today’s society, information technology is gradually becoming one of the most important areas. It changes the way people work: we can do our jobs anywhere instead of an office or a company. Therefore, this essay will take a multidimensional perspective on both the positive and negative sides of this issue.

According to many people, the biggest benefit of mobility is about work space and environment. In fact, we can completely send an email, write a report or contact our partners and colleagues while listening to music, enjoying the meals, even staying in bed with pyjamas or sitting on the airplane to travel. Without strict manager’s supervision, people feel more free and comfortable to finish work effectively.

Besides, there is also the matter of time to work. Clearly, it is undeniable that thanks to information technology, human working time becomes truly more flexible than ever. We can actively choose the time when we are alert and energetic enough to meet deadlines. No longer afraid of getting up early or going to work late because of traffic jams in rush hours every morning.

Nevertheless, after all these advantages, I believe that it still has a detrimental effect on human life. Particularly, people who don’t have to work on their workplace, maybe are not really concentrating on their jobs. The most compelling evidence is that we absolutely spend a part of working time on doing some other recreational activities such as: surfing Facebook, Instagram or watching movies on Netflix. Surely, it will directly affect the quality of our work.

In conclusion, even though there are some negative aspects to this mobility, the outstanding development of information technology helps people a lot in choosing space and time to complete their work comfortably.

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