In the future we will have more and more leisure time as machines willreplace many of the tasks we do at home. Discuss the benefits this will bring and also the problems it will cause
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Improvements of machines seem to either terrorize people or make them fell excited. To be more objective, both positive impacts and negative effects should be taken into consideration.

On the one hand, the increasingly advanced machines may bring some obvious benefits. It is clear that machines’ ability to perform work is much better than human’s one, especially in areas that need high level of accuracy or labor-intensive activities. For example, many robots are applied to carry out surgical procedures with greater precision than a human doctor, and by truck we can easily move tons of land from one place to others. Such machines can improve safety by reducing the likelihood of human errors and surpass the human physical limit. Therefore, machines will steadily enhance our quality of life.

On the other hand, beneficial as machines are, there are still some considerable drawbacks. In the short term, it is likely to have a rise in unemployment as workers in various industries are replaced by machines. For instance, taxi drivers, lorry drivers, bus drivers might lose their jobs, to which self-driving cars are attributed. In the medium term, if intelligent machines gradually take on human’s jobs in every field, people may be deskilled and rely totally on machines. A longer fear is that so artificially intelligent machines become that human beings accidentally lose control of them and our well-being can be in danger by their decisions without human oversight.

In conclusion, although machines are bettering our lives, some of their potential risks deserve such fueling continued concerns.
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make them fell feel excited ->spelling nè

surpass the human's physical limit. 

Bài này ok nha bạn

159 points

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