Process Paragraph - Topic: Write about what you need to do to get a driver's license.
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A driving license is compulsory for road users who drive vehicles with over 50cc engine size. Although the driving test is considered a hard test, it seems to be much more achievable if following these steps. To begin with, the contestants need to ascertain traffic regulations for the theoretical section. Since signing up as candidates, they will be given a set of multiple-choice questions to study. The more questions they do, the higher score they will get in a real test. To pass this round and be allowed to take the second section, they have to get at least 21 per 25 correct answers. Furthermore, regular practice for the practical round also offers participants a greater chance of passing the test. As there are three discrete types of routes in which the eight-shaped is proven to be the most difficult, contestants are required to handle the route as soundly as they can with a maximum of four errors- an error is when their foot or the vehicle's wheel is on the route outline. If they can get a minimum of 80 scores, then, they are considered to pass the whole test. In conclusion, not only do contestants have to be theoretically well-prepared but it also vital to get themselves used to the manual controlling of the vehicles.

I find myself quite weak at academic writing, could you please help me to make this paragraph more coherent and sounds more academically. And on a scale of 10, which score does my work get? Thanks a lot.
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A driving license is compulsory for road users who drive vehicles with over 50cc engine size. Although the driving test is considered a hard test, it seems to be much more achievable if following these steps. To begin with, the contestants need to ascertain traffic regulations for the theoretical section. Since signing up as candidates, they will be given a set of multiple-choice questions to study. The more questions they do, the higher score they will get in a real test. To pass this round and be allowed to take the second section, they have to get at least 21 per 25 correct answers. Furthermore, regular practice for the practical round also offers participants a greater chance of passing the test. As there are three discrete types of routes in which the eight-shaped is proven -->  supposed to be the most difficult, contestants are required to handle the route as soundly as they can with a maximum of four errors- an error is when their foot or the vehicle's wheel is on the route outline. If they can get a minimum of 80 scores, then, they are considered to pass the whole test. In conclusion, not only do contestants have to be theoretically well-prepared but it also vital to get themselves used to the manual controlling of the vehicles.

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