Write a paragraph about the person you would like to become.
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Everyone, like myself, has a vision of who they want to be in the future. First and foremost, I want to be a strong lady like Emma Waston. She likes status in my heart. I had adored her since the film Harry Potter. She is a powerful lady, full of wisdom, bravery, and beauty. Furthermore, she advocates for equality between men and women.Second, I plan to learn multiple languages. Especially is english. English is not only a subject that I learn in school, but it  also help me find a career in the future. However, in order for my goal to come reality, I must learn English every day. Last but not least, I aspire to be a happy person. That I understand individuals may have a lot of money or speak multiple languages.But if they aren't satisfied with what they have or what they are doing, it's pointless. For me, I may not be wealthy or beautiful, but I will be content.
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All of us, including myself, have a vision of who we want to be in the future. First and foremost, I want to become a strong lady like Emma Watson. She likes status in my heart (confusing). I have been admiring her since the film Harry Potter first appeared. She is such a powerful woman, who is full of wisdom, bravery, and even beauty. Furthermore, she advocates for gender equality, which impressed me the most. Second, I have planned to learn multiple languages, especially English. English is not only considered a subject that we study in school, but it also helps us land a high-paid job in the future. However, to make my goal come into reality, I will make an effort to learn English every day. Last but not least, I aspire to be a cheerful person. It is because I understand that individuals may have a lot of money or be able to speak several languages. However, if they are not satisfied with what they obtain or what they are doing, it's pointless. To me, I may not be wealthy or beautiful, but I will be content. (To me, I may not be the prettiest, smartest, or strongest, but at least I am content with what I have)

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