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Task 2: In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people

Why might this be the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?


Home ownership is becoming increasingly crucial for people in comparison with renting one in some nations. This essay will argue that although this trend is due to the absence of privacy of people, it is definitely in an advantageous position.


There are many contributions lead to this situation but the main reason, in my point of view, is the deprivation of privacy. When living in a rent house, especially an apartment, people are more likely to face with bad strangers who are extremely curious about the private life of the others. As a result, they will use all the ways to know more about your life such as by hiring a detective, they can easily get more information about what you have done in the past and what was your previous job. In addition, this may put a person who they want to exploit private information on strain and has a negative impact on their heal as they become more stressed and isolated from the society. Some celebrities, for instance, live permanently in an rent house and they have to deal with the excessive amount of pressure from the press or reporters and other residents who live nearby them.


It is considered as a positive development as it can benefit both the people who want to buy a house and a society as a whole. By living in their own houses, they may work more effectively as they are not easily disturbed by strangers and can pay more attention totheir work. This acts as an incentive for increasing productivity in the workplace and helping them to climb further in their corporate ladder. For example, The National UK Health has found that 85% of people who has their own houses work 10% effectively than those who rent house.


In conclusion, People are more likely to buy houses in some nations as they don’t want to be deprived of privacy and be more productive. This may offer many opportunities for them to climb higher in their job.



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Home ownership is becoming increasingly crucial for people in comparison with renting one in some nations. This essay will argue that although this trend is due to the absence of privacy of people, it is definitely in an advantageous position.

There are many contributions lead to this situation but the main reason, in my point of view, is the deprivation of privacy. When living in a rent house, especially an apartment, people are more likely to face with bad strangers who are extremely curious about the private life of the others. As a result, they will use all the ways to know more about your life such as by hiring a detective, they can easily get more information about what you have done in the past and what was your previous job. In addition, this may put a person who they want to exploit private information on strain and has a negative impact on their heal as they become more stressed and isolated from the society. Some celebrities, for instance, live permanently in an rent house and they have to deal with the excessive amount of pressure from the press or reporters and other residents who live nearby them.

It is considered as a positive development as it can benefit both the people who want to buy a house and a society as a whole. By living in their own houses, they may work more effectively as they are not easily disturbed by strangers and can pay more attention totheir work. This acts as an incentive for increasing productivity in the workplace and helping them to climb further in their corporate ladder. For example, The National UK Health has found that 85% of people who has their own houses work 10% effectively than those who rent house.

In conclusion, People are more likely to buy houses in some nations as they don’t want to be deprived of privacy and be more productive. This may offer many opportunities for them to climb higher in their job.

160 points

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