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Nurturing a child takes years and it is inevitable not a trivial task for parents as they have to be indeed patient and calm to fulfill the most responsible job in the world. Normally, a child cannot realize his/her actions are right or not, soon so that’s why they need their beloved parents to explain and help many times a day. But punishment often used as a popular method when a child is educated. It may not work temporarily but in the future it will have effects on that child. I agree with the opinion of using punishment to help children learn through errors except they are suitable and not violent.

                Children experiences a lot of things when they are growing up and they often does not handle them well. In addition, incomplete perception and personalities will lead them to make wrong decisions. To avoid not only bad behavior but bad habbit from children, Parents will interfere and show them wrong or right in many ways. But different child takes the lectures different ways so some parents decide to use punishment to make the children feel uncomfortable when something wrong happened to remind them not to take those actions again in the future. It is considered a quick solution instead of explaining and having deep conversations with them. Because Parents have many tasks to complete both outside and inside the house, sometimes they are tired and use punishments as their favorite tools.

                Besides, many parents used punishments wrong such as they yell at their children and use violence. This is absolutely not good for the children’s health and mental. It also makes the children think their parents don’t love them anymore and build a wall between them. Some adults choose to give pressure on their children by threatening or taking something precious from the children to make them obey.  Follow an expert, when children receive those kinds of punishments they intend to be worse in the future in his research. Those methods above should not be allowed in any houses.

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Nurturing a child takes years and it is inevitable not a trivial task for parents as they have to be indeed patient and calm to fulfill the most responsible job in the world. Normally, a child cannot realize his/her actions are right or not, soon so that’s why they need their beloved parents to explain and help many times a day. But punishment often used as a popular method when a child is educated. It may not work temporarily but in the future it will have effects on that child. I agree with the opinion of using punishment to help children learn through errors except they are suitable and not violent.

                Children experiences a lot of things when they are growing up and they often does not handle them well. In addition, incomplete perception and personalities will lead them to make wrong decisions. To avoid not only bad behavior but bad habbit from children, Parents will interfere and show them wrong or right in many ways. But different child takes the lectures different ways so some parents decide to use punishment to make the children feel uncomfortable when something wrong happened to remind them not to take those actions again in the future. It is considered a quick solution instead of explaining and having deep conversations with them. Because Parents have many tasks to complete both outside and inside the house, sometimes they are tired and use punishments as their favorite tools.

                Besides, many parents used punishments wrong such as they yell at their children and use violence. This is absolutely not good for the children’s health and mental. It also makes the children think their parents don’t love them anymore and build a wall between them. Some adults choose to give pressure on their children by threatening or taking something precious from the children to make them obey.  Follow an expert, when children receive those kinds of punishments they intend to be worse in the future in his research. Those methods above should not be allowed in any houses

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