Đề thi IELTS - 11/10/2014 - Today more and more people are using mobile phone and computer. Thus, the communication ability is losing. To what extent do you agree or disagree
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Topic IELTS của  tuần này 11/10/2014:

Today more and more people are using mobile phone and computer. Thus, the communication ability is losing. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

Nice weekend cả nhà :3
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117 points

7 Answers

6 votes
6 votes
It is sometimes argued that the prevalence of mobile phone and computer is the primary culprit of the loss of direct communication. I completely agree with this idea.

Personally, the appearance of high-tech devices triggers repercussions on adults. Because of being swept into the maelstrom of their career, people combat to the full loads of works by using technologies that support them and save their time. Instead of meeting face to face, they use a cellphone to contact with their relatives and their friends anywhere. The problem is escalating in degree and intensity when adults consider computer their proficient assistant. They spend a rash of hours sitting in front of computer to chat with your friends through social websites like facebook and yahoo. Family gatherings are also substituted by intolerably short call as a result of hurry sickness.

Apart from the reason mentioned above, I vehemently concur that technology is responsible for the disappearance of face-to-face communication among youngsters. Owning to the attraction of online games, they refuse to participate in other extracurricular activities that they used to do in the past. Opponents may argue that the young can make friends in the specific simulators generated in such games, but it is an unacceptable view. There are no social as well as linguistic skills which can be reaped without talking face to face. In addition, they as a result of the proliferation of virtual relationship can become depressive.

In conclusion, I strongly subscribe to the view that the birth of cellphone and computer contributes to the negative changes in communication.
13 points


T thấy bạn phát triển ý khá tốt, dùng từ phong phú, đặc biệt phần từ Apart from...depressive. Tuy nhiên t chưa thấy rõ ý ở paragraph 2, 1 số ý đâu đó bị trùng lặp với paragraph 3, chủ yếu vẫn kiểu như ít face-to-face communication nên về tổng thể t vẫn chưa thấy thuyết phục lắm
bài viết dùng từ phong phú.
cá nhân mình thì sau khi viết xong mình gõ lên cho mọi người sửa giúp thì thấy đoạn 2 của mình nó cứ chung chung rồi off topic nữa. Tuy nhiên, viết trong đúng thời gian r nên viết được như thế nào cứ post lên để mọi người sửa giúp  như thế :))
6 votes
6 votes
With the rapid development of high-tech devices, the world is becoming a global village where communication is so accessible. However, many people claim that human’s skill of communicating seem to be degraded due to lack of real-life contact. Others think that modern technology does not affect that ability. In my opinion, the former argument is apparently more convincing.

To some extent, advanced appliances apparently benefit people. The most obvious advantage can be listed out is the convenient access to a tremendous amount of information on the Internet. Through social networks, they can make friends more easily with their peers from all over the world. Various online talking software also enable friends to keep in touch with each other no matter where they are.

Nevertheless, those who oppose virtual communication have a number of persuasive reasons for their argument. First of all, the language of texting on social networks such as facebook or twitter is far different from those applicable in the real life. That kind of language, once used with high-frequency, tends to make verbal language deteriorate gradually. Secondly, an enormous number of addictive applications in smartphones and tablets, which are always at hand, seem to prevent individuals from communicating with other people around them. Instead of spending their time on outdoor activities, which boost union and social skills, they are overwhelmed with strategies to win useless games and applications.

In conclusion, despite some advantages that mobile phones and computers bring to us, the use of these devices should be restricted by each individual to enhance their ability to blend in with the community.
16 points


Xét về 2 bài thì mình thấy bài này triển khai ý rõ ràng, rành mạch hơn, các linking words cũng uyển chuyển hơn bài trên. :)
Bài này tuy từ vựng đơn giản nhưng mà triển khai ý khá hay
0 votes
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It is sometimes argued that the communication skill is losing when the number of people using mobile phone and computer are increasing. While I agree with this, I also believe that it is not true for all people.

On the one hand, I agree that spending too much time in private electronics equipment will limit the ability of communication. Firstly, a number of people are sending messages instead of speaking, so it seems people do not need to say anything. That is a reason explains why many students do not skill at communication.  Secondly, spending much of time in front of the screen of computer or smart phone have results in decreasing the interactions of people. In many families, there have a gap between father and son, because instead of talking to son, the father only cares about news or film on the Internet.

On the other hand, I believe that not all people using mobile phone and computer will decrease the communication skill. Many young people can talk online with their friends in hours, and their stories are not boring. Therefore, with some people, taking online is a way to improve their speaking skill. In addition, online applications such as Skype, Facebook and Zalo are facilities to encourage people to interact more frequently. In some cases, people seem difficult to share feelings to family members if they live in foreign country without mobile phone or computer.

In conclusion, I agree that communication skill will be decreased because of lacking interaction when the number of people uses computer and mobile phone. However, I do not believe that all of the people will be lost communication ability if they access private electronics equipment.
27 points
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Nowadays, the number of mobile and computer users is increasing dramatically. Many people blame this trend to be the culprit of losing communication ability. However, based on my experiences and observations, I totally disagree with this opinion for the following reasons.

First of all, it is explicit that the frequency of communication has risen rapidly, thanks to unrestricted accessibility to telecommunication media. Almost everyone has his own mobile phone or computer, or even laptop that he finds no difficulty to take along with every time. In addition, the booming growth of many connecting applications such as Yahoo, Skype and Facebook helps people immediately update their status or connect to each other promptly and effectively by just one click. Never before have people had such an easy manner to keep contact with their friends and relatives.

Besides, the development of digital media’s usage can help all users enrich the quality of communication. In particular, they are able to upload images or videos on the aforementioned applications or send them via multimedia messages. With the wider ability of information transferring, images and videos will help people understand the situation of each other in better manner.

Last but not least, the expense of digital communication is much lower than that of traditional methods like posting or meeting in person. There is no need to travel across thousand miles to hear voices of our beloved ones, which require us to pay for some ticket fares. Now it is simple to make a phone call or sign in Skype system with small amount of additional charge.

In conclusion, I strong believe that the popularity of telecommunication devices play a very important role in improving the ability of communication and providing people with an opportunity of feeling closer.

13 points
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0 votes

In these days, society has witnessed a large proportion of people using mobile phones and computers instead of having a face-to-face conversation. This phenomenon, however, has set a limit on the communication ability. To my way of thinking, I totally agree with the fact that technology devices prevent us from communicating.


It cannot be denied that the development of modern science has helped people in many ways. Firstly, mobile phones and computers make it easier for people to contact without ever meeting each other since they save much time for busy businessmen and employers. Secondly, mobile phones are used as a means of communication even at a long distance. For example, people from different countries are able to call each other via mobile phones within a short time. Thirdly, through computers, we can easily make new friends, find people who share common interests and interact with them without having to talk face to face.


Despite the aforementioned benefits of mobile phones and computers, the availability of these new technologies has resulted in isolating people in the community as well as discouraging real interactions. For instances, many students tend to befriend with virtual subjects rather than real peers at school. Furthermore, if we communicate via mobile phones or computers too frequently, we are likely to lose some communication skills such as eye contacts or body language expression.


To sum up the foregoing, it is very dangerous for us just to use mobile phones and computers without meeting face to face because we will be under threats of losing communication ability and have no idea of who the virtual person we are talking to is.

24 points
0 votes
0 votes
Các bạn hãy chữa giúp mình với, thực sự mình đang bị vấn đề là viết quá dài, không biết nên rephrase lại kiểu gì cho ngắn hơn nữa. Mình đã set thời gian và mình viết bài này trong 45', thực sự là khoảng thời gian rất dài.



Communicating devices such as mobile phones or computers are becoming unattached to most people nowadays, along with the development of technology, especially Internet. However, I must agree with some opinions that the communication ability is greatly affected from such communicating method.

To be fair, the development of technology, correspondently with mobile phones and computers bring to modern users many practical advantages. The reason is because, virtual communication has exceeded beyond countries; for instance, people could immediately receive an email from another just from 3 seconds of hitting the ‘send’ button, or students studying aboard could call their parents anytime if they are currently online. None of mobile phones or computers’users could deny the efficiency of having fast and virtually directed conversations from different places on the Earth, just by having an Internet connection.

However, many inconveniences and long-term effects could be a fairly strong reasons to be against virtual communication. Firstly, conversations through digital devices, are basically transferring mere texts, images, emoticons: it is not a face-to-face conversation. This could lead to frequent confusion or misunderstanding, due to many reasons such as using unappropriate emoticons. The main reason of this problem is because basically in normal conversations, people are not entirely focusing on verbal content, but focusing more on body languages, inverbal signs, such as eyes’ movements or their partner’s posture. Communicating without seeing the partner is apparently easier to tell lies as much as it could cause confusion just because they can’t see each other’s faces.

In additional to the first reason, in terms of biology, when people are having a face-to-face conversations, many parts of the brain which involve emotions work actively. However, in virtual conversations, these specific parts of the brain doesn’t work much, causing the individual to lose the ability of sensing signs of emotions in others. It is recently reported that people who are sticking to their computers all days, are more emotionally distant from others, as they growed dependance in their mobile phones. These people find it hard to communicate to other people face-to-face because it is confusing to them to spot inverbal signs.  

To sums up, technology is only developed in favour of a better connection, yet it still has its limitation. To gain benefits from both sides, in my opinion, people nowadays should engage more in normal conversations and reduce the time using digital devices to communicate as much as possible, for any connection is built through an absolute and mutual understanding between one and another.
7 points
1 vote
1 vote

There is always a controversial problem argue that the growing number of people using mobile phone and computer is contributing the decline in communication ability. In my own experience, I totally agree with this statement. 

In the rapid development of technology nowadays, devices such as smartphone and computer become a part of our life. These are all dispensable tools that we can not without. However, abusing them may surpass the human interaction. Specifically, because of the benefit coming from the fast-delivered messages we tend to  spend less time hanging out with our friends. Comparing to the past, we might find that we had to write letters or expected an appointment when ever we needed to talk to a person who lived far away. But now, just by clicking the “send” button on computer screen, we can easily converse with people via emails or messages, which also means we often put less effort into the real conversation in real life. For example, even presenting in a group of friends chatting in a coffee shop, some people are still looking down the phone screen because of the tweets they can not ignore.  

Moreover, the number of people using social networks such as Facebook, Twitter has risen quickly for recent years. The most alarming point is that some individuals consider these networks as their lives and they have numerous friends online, maybe hundreds, maybe thousands. But is there anyone really knows about them? Or is it just the illusion created by the social media? Gradually they may find it unexciting to blend in with the real society.  

In short, I support that technology devices should be a tool helping us develop the comfort and convenience of modern life. In other words, we should not depend on them too much in communication, which can surpass our human interaction.


18 points

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